On 12/16/20 22:31, b...@theworld.com wrote:

I'm not so sure. If someone got the banks, credit card (fintech), big
online shopping, etc (tho not a lot of etc needed) on board, the "head
count" for that wouldn't be very large, and others would join
(particularly retail) just to not be left out...

One can build a quite different network on top of the existing
infrastructure at least to get started, NEWSTUFF/IP.

That would only then require buy-in by end-users but if that's what's
on their phone etc and the only way they can access banks, shopping,

People here would deliver all those packets since it'd just look like
IP and go from there. Reminds me of the old expression "when it's time
to hang the capitalists they will sell us the rope" (when it comes
time to replace this internet they will deliver our packets.)

The obvious (to me) change would be positive id of anyone accessing
that new network.

The voice system seems to have achieved this to about a 99% level
which is more than good enough. And it would be a boon to them also,
no more annoyingly free voice/video stuff. By which I mean if they
thought it was credible they might pony up a billion or two to get it

Then if they hit some critical mass they can consider replacing IP and
routing regimens etc also (the goal being largely to secure it), on
top of the existing "wire" infrastructure.

All this would achieve is break-away networks, either atop or adjacent to the current Internet.

Considering that there are quite a few countries that have folk transacting more on their phones than via conventional banking means, with major content providers looking to get into that game, I don't see this working beyond a private experiment, that likely wouldn't get far.

But hey, it's 2020. Crystal balls aren't what they used to be.


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