
> > v4 is so thoroughly fragmented and v6 is a lot less likely to become
> > so.
> It is true that fragmentation is a problem. However, it merely means that IPv6
> address space will also be fragmented and that
> IPv4 can but IPv6 can't be deployed at full scale,

Just this week We had our first customer asking if we can setup BGP to route 
the /48 they received from the headquarters in the states.
They are asking us to provide a few v4 addresses , but to use their own v6 
Yes they are a large conglomerate with their own AS and a large v6 allocation, 
so not a common customer, but they have hundreds of offices everywhere in the 
world where they are doing this... 
I can just see the Cxx presenting their solution at some event and it becoming 
the new thing to do
What you are still using your providers addresses? You must be crazy... We 
assign our own it's much better...
A couple hundred corporations like this and the v6 table would surpass v4...


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