> On Sep 20, 2021, at 06:48 , Brian Turnbow via NANOG <nanog@nanog.org> wrote:
> Hi,
>>> v4 is so thoroughly fragmented and v6 is a lot less likely to become
>>> so.
>> It is true that fragmentation is a problem. However, it merely means that 
>> IPv6
>> address space will also be fragmented and that
>> IPv4 can but IPv6 can't be deployed at full scale,
> Just this week We had our first customer asking if we can setup BGP to route 
> the /48 they received from the headquarters in the states.
> They are asking us to provide a few v4 addresses , but to use their own v6 
> block.
> Yes they are a large conglomerate with their own AS and a large v6 
> allocation, so not a common customer, but they have hundreds of offices 
> everywhere in the world where they are doing this... 
> I can just see the Cxx presenting their solution at some event and it 
> becoming the new thing to do
> What you are still using your providers addresses? You must be crazy... We 
> assign our own it's much better...
> A couple hundred corporations like this and the v6 table would surpass v4...

In such a case, I’m not convinced that’s a bad thing.


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