For a variety of cultural, religious and philosophical beliefs not everyone 
can, or wants to enter a bar. So perhaps the experience isn't as universal as 
you perceive it to be?

On 30 March 2024 6:18:30 am ACDT, Matthew Petach <> wrote:
>On Thu, Mar 28, 2024 at 11:17 PM Eric Parsonage <> wrote:
>> It's easily fixed by having a mixer at the same time for the other half of
>> the gathering population thus showing all the population gathering matters
>> equally.
>I believe the mixer for the other half of the gathering population has been
>going on for decades, and is generally referred to as "drinks at the hotel
>lobby bar".
>Just because it isn't called out by name doesn't mean that the male half of
>the population hasn't been meeting and mixing and mingling already for
>years.  ;-P
>I'm with Randy Bush on this.  The stakeholders in that event should have
>the say in what happens with it; not the rest of us.
>Those of us old white males need to check our privilege, and recognize that
>we've *been* having "mixers" for decades.
>We don't need to put a stake in the ground and push for our equality; we've
>already been on the beneficiary side of the
>inequality for decades.

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