On Jun 13, 2013, at 12:28 , "Avi Freedman" <a...@freedman.net> wrote:

> I disagree.
> There have already been lab demos of sfps that could inject frames and APTs 
> are pretty advanced, sinister, and can be hard to detect now.
> I'm not suggesting Huawei is or isn't enabling badness globally but I think 
> it would be technically feasible.

I am assuming a not-Hauwei-only network.

The idea that a router could send things through other routers without someone 
who is looking for it noticing is ludicrous.

Of course, most people aren't paying attention, a few extra frames wouldn't be 
noticed most likely. But if you are worried about it, you should be looking.

Also, I find it difficult to believe Hauwei has the ability to do DPI or 
something inside their box and still route at reasonable speeds is a bit silly. 
Perhaps they only duplicate packets based on source/dest IP address or 
something that is magically messaged from the mother ship, but I am dubious.

It should be trivial to prove to yourself the box is, or is not, doing 
something evil if you actually try.


> ------Original Message------
> From: Patrick W. Gilmore
> To: NANOG list
> Subject: Re: huawei
> Sent: Jun 13, 2013 12:22 PM
> On Jun 13, 2013, at 12:18 , Nick Khamis <sym...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> A local clec here in Canada just teamed up with this company to
>> provide cell service to the north:
>> http://cwta.ca/blog/2012/09/24/ice-wireless-iristel-and-huawei-partner-for-3g-wireless-network-in-northern-canada/
>> Scary....
> Why?
> Do you think Huawei has a magic ability to transmit data without you noticing?
> If you don't want to use Hauwei because they stole code or did other nasty 
> things, I'm right there with you. If you believe a router can somehow 
> magically duplicate info and transport it back to China (ignoring CT/CU's 
> inability to have congestion free links), I think you are confused.
> -- 
> patrick

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