On Fri, Dec 20, 2013 at 5:25 AM, Lee Howard <l...@asgard.org> wrote:

> On 12/20/13 8:07 AM, "Jamie Bowden" <ja...@photon.com> wrote:
> >
> >
> >> "Parity" isn't enough information; what features are missing?  RA is
> >>part
> >> of IPv6, but you don't have to use SLAAC.
> >> I'd say it's the DHC people who need to hear it, not the IPv6 people,
> >>but
> >> YMMV.
> >
> >I have a question.  Why does DHCP hand out router, net mask, broadcast
> >address, etc. in IPv4; why don't we all just use RIP and be done with it?
> >
> >You don't have to like how enterprise networks are built, but you better
> >acknowledge that they are their own animal that have their own needs and
> >drivers, and telling them that the way their networks are built are wrong
> >and they need to change their whole architecture, separation of service,
> >security model, etc. to fit your idea of perfection isn't winning
> >friends.  You are, however, influencing people.  Perhaps not in the
> >manner you intended.
> So there's an interesting question.  You suggest there's a disagreement
> between enterprise network operators and protocol designers. Who should
> change?
> I used to run an enterprise network. It was very different from an ISP
> network. I didn't say, "You're wrong!" I said, "What's missing?"

default route information via DHCPv6.  That's what I'm still waiting for.


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