I guess based on your description, the a projection like this would make
most sense. Using the actor's degree as weight for page-rank

call algo.pageRank.stream('
MATCH (m:Movie) RETURN id(m) as id
MATCH (m:Movie)<-[:ACTED_IN]-(p:Person)-[:ACTED_IN]->(n:Movie)
RETURN id(m) as source, id(m) as target, size( (p)-[:ACTED_IN]->() ) as
', {graph:'cypher',weightProperty: 'weight'})

Cheers, Michael

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On Thu, Jan 17, 2019 at 11:55 AM <andrea.balz...@keypartner.it> wrote:

> Hi, i'm failry new to neo4j and i was playing around with the movie
> database that comes by default when installing neo4j. I would like to
> calculate the importance of each movie based on the actors that acted in
> them considering each actor more or less important according to the number
> of movies they acted in. I was thinking about some kind of iterative
> algorithm and since the eigenvector centrality is missing from neo4j i was
> looking at pageRank.
> What would be the best approach in this scenario to use pageRank
> correctly? I'm a bit lost and googling around didn't help much as what i'm
> looking for seems more specific than the average info you can find online.
> Thanks for reading and sorry for my bad english.
> --
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