What happens if the load varies or if the load itself introduces hum/noise 
on the power line? I am thinking of how multiplexing of Nixies and/or loads 
with varying power draw over time will affect the noise or regulation? I 
don't think this will be a problem, but thought it would be good to have an 
answer as real life situations are not the same as using a resistive load 

On Monday, 9 September 2013 04:55:32 UTC+2, taylorjpt wrote:

> Ran the first 1474 at 306V out @ 93W (75W design limit) for over a week 
> with convection cooling with the transformer separated from the driver by 
> an inch to limit the power density, should be great with the mounted 
> transformer and potting.
> First cut of the1364 refresh: 10-25V in (48V abs max), 303V out @ 25W 82% 
> efficiency and no audible noise.  Building up a low power load bank for 
> 0-20W over 16 steps so I can test over more input output conditions.  Ready 
> to release beta test samples in a week.

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