On 03/14/2017 02:01 PM, gregebert wrote:
> Anyone know how the radiation "hazard" of nixies compares to Xrays produced 
> by color televisions/computer monitors that used CRTs ?

None vs none.  As soon as the low level X-rays from TV sets were
discovered and became and issue (two different events), several things

1) All new CRTs had their faceplates made out of leaded glass.
2) the damper tube was made from leaded glass*
3) hard high voltage limiting was instituted.

* A properly made damper tube would not generate X-rays regardless of
the voltage applied.  The plate cylinder had to be a little bit out of
concentricity with the filament to produce X-rays.

There was an Amateur Scientist article about how to use a damper tube
and a home-made Odin coil to make an X-ray source.  Several fuzzy X-rays
were published.

I made the Odin coil but I could not get any X-rays.  My tube was in
good alignment.  It took prowling through the inventory of the two TV
repair shops that tolerated this nerdy kid before I found one that worked.

The results were still lousy because the X-rays emanated from all over
the anode's surface.  The optical equivalent is trying to take a
shadowgraph photo of an object using and extremely point source LED vs
using light from a recessed fluorescent fixture.  Real X-ray tubes use
several tricks to make as close to a point source as possible.

Anyway, back to CRTs.  I have a Victoreen survey meter designed
specifically for the CRT industry.  It uses an ion chamber with a
super-thin mylar window and is calibrated microR/Hr.  I have never
detected anything above background from any of the TVs or CRT monitors
I've owned.


John DeArmond
Tellico Plains, Occupied TN
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