Thanks! That's alot of positive information - it seems that numitrons are 
indeed sturdy devices and they do not need that much protection as I 
What is the frequency of the dimming PWM? I wonder how high it has to 
achieve steady temperature due to thermal inertia of filaments. 
PWM dimming would end up much cheaper than LED drivers, I was afraid that 
it could affect the filaments life length, but now that I know that the 
idea is well tested... I'll still think about a way to change the 
brightness without directly PWMing the filaments, but it is really tempting.

I'll definitely use direct driving, for same reasons as you mentioned - 
ability to use any old phone charger as power supply, to keep things 
cheaper and more portable.

By the way - I stumbled upon this graph taken from DA-2300 datasheet:
Taken from this site:
Note the logarithmic scale on tube life!

W dniu piątek, 23 lutego 2018 15:10:24 UTC+1 użytkownik Mark Moulding 
> I've built quite a few Numitron-based clocks, as well as other displays 
> using the technology.  Personally, I love them: they're easy to drive, last 
> a *long* time, and are, to my eyes anyway, very attractive.  They provide a 
> wonderful glow, and because they're broad-spectrum, they can be filtered to 
> any color.  However I usually leave them "naked", and the non-monochromatic 
> light they emit seems to give a richer, warmer look than LEDs, or even 
> Nixies, to some extent.  (Of course, they don't have the fully-formed 
> character set of the Nixies.)
> I've used a variety of schemes to power the devices.  At first, I used a 
> dedicated microprocessor (an AT89C2051 - about $1 each) for each tube, with 
> the segments direct-driven from the processor outputs.  I implemented a 
> serial communication scheme that allowed the displays to be daisy-chained 
> to any length, and controlled with a single 2400-baud serial signal.  These 
> were driven using the RCA-recommended strategy of keeping the filaments 
> just below a visible glow whenever they were "off" for maximum lifespan, I 
> did this using PWM, and implemented brightness controls also, since I 
> already had the code to do the PWM.  These worked very well, and the only 
> failure I've had, even in extremely rough service (a mutant vehicle roaming 
> the desert at Burning Man) was due to mechanical damage to the tube.  
> (Amazingly, it even kept working for a few minutes without any glass 
> envelope at all!)
> A scheme that I've never used, but which is easy and should work well, is 
> to use a single fixed resistor from each segment to the supply (or ground, 
> of course, depending upon your circuit topology) to provide the keep-warm 
> current for the filaments
> For most of my clocks, I've just ignored the keep-warm function, and have 
> seen no ill effects as a result.  I've been using 74HCT595 serial-in 
> parallel-out latching shift registers to direct-drive the tubes; their 
> outputs are rated to sink 35 mA (74LS595 are even higher, at 130mA), and I 
> PWM the enable input to provide dimming.  I've had clocks running for a 
> decade now with no tube or other part failures (except for wall-wart power 
> supplies - they're often notoriously poor in quality).  The highest stress 
> is probably on the colon lamps, which are two 3.5-volt grain-of-wheat bulbs 
> that I'm running in series to match the luminosity of the Numitrons; even 
> though they've been blinking on and off every second for years, I haven't 
> had any failures there either.  Note that since my clocks are often placed 
> in bedrooms, they're usually run at less than full brightness - PWM ratio 
> of around 50% or so; however, even the one I gave to my 94-year-old mother, 
> which runs at full power, has also had no failures.
> A note about using the Numitron clocks (or Nixies, for that matter) in 
> bedrooms: they're excellent for this application!  A reasonable amount of 
> research shows that ambient light containing a significant blue-spectrum 
> component can disturb sleep, reducing the amount of REM sleep and overall 
> sleep time.  This is true even when the eyes are closed!  The warm glow of 
> Numitrons, especially when dimmed, contains almost no blue light, and so is 
> the ideal bedroom clock display.  I'm lucky enough to have acquired most of 
> the remaining supply of DTF104B tubes (1" digit height, end-view), and 
> clocks made with these can be seen easily across a room, even if the viewer 
> normally wears glasses.
> I always use direct-drive in my designs, because multiplexing pretty much 
> obviates the big advantage of Numitrons, which is the ability to drive them 
> directly from the +5-volt logic supply - there isn't sufficient brightness 
> without a higher-voltage supply.  I did use multiplexing once, to retrofit 
> an existing 3-digit LED display on a musical keyboard I rebuilt into a 
> steampunk enclosure.  In this case, I simply replaced the LEDs outright 
> with the Numitrons, and removed the current-limiting resistors.  This 
> actually worked better than I thought it would; although the displays were 
> a bit on the dim side, they were still completely legible in normal room 
> lighting.
> Other comments about the lifespan of Numitrons are very accurate - at 
> reduced voltages, the tubes will last basically forever.  RCA data sheets 
> show a mean life expectancy at full voltage of 100,000 hours (longer than 
> LEDs are specified for!), and their lifespan curves are basically 
> asymptotic to infinity at 70% voltage.  Also of note is the specified 
> ruggedness of these devices: rated impact acceleration (while operating!) 
> of 200G, vibration 5-200 Hz 20G, etc.  The Russian tubes are not specified 
> as highly (15,000 hrs operational life - I have no idea about vibration), 
> but I use them all the time, and again have never had a failure.
> ~~
> Mark Moulding
> On Wednesday, February 21, 2018 at 5:26:39 AM UTC-8, Tomasz Kowalczyk 
> wrote:
>> Hi, 
>> I'm recently getting more and more interested in making an IV-16 clock. 
>> I'm planning to make 6 tubes one, so burning filament can be an issue - 
>> while the datasheets can state 5000+hrs, I'd like to be extra careful.
>> One idea is to use a LED driver with programmable current, for 
>> example STP16CP05XTTR - current is set by an external resistor, so it would 
>> be possible to introduce dimming the display without PWM. There are 
>> numerous chips which allow current sinking, however I am concerned with 
>> power dissipation on these - that's why my choice is a package with thermal 
>> pad. As far as I know, most critical moment in incandescent bulbs is turn 
>> on due to inrush current - with a CCS this problem would simply not exist.
>> However I've noticed a small mention of numitron driving in this CD4511 
>> datasheet:
>> <>
>> On last page there is a small schematic. It shows another method of 
>> dealing with inrush current - all filaments are prebiased with small 
>> current, which causes them to be already on edge of glowing - kind of how 
>> VFD filaments are biased.
>> What are your experiences with numitrons? What methods of prolonging 
>> their life did you use? Or did you just ignore the problem, as IV-9 and 
>> IV-16s are still quite cheap?
>> Please share your experiences and thoughts.

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