Hi everyone,

I have several nixie clocks, including two clocks that I built about 12 
years ago that use the mains frequency for timing. I live in a semi-rural 
area, and during this time of year, I lose power quite frequently due to 
lightning strikes. This can be just a "blip", or it may last several hours. 
Either way, I have to reset each clock. Both clocks run off of 9VAC 

All I want to do is to keep the logic alive during an outage. My guess is 
that this is more than just adding in a circuit with a battery - a 
frequency source may also be needed. Looking at the schematic for the kit, 
the 9VAC is split - one branch goes to a pin on the processor, and the 
other to the rectifier and 5V regulator. I'm thinking there might be a way 
to use some kind of an or-gate to select either the wall-wart, or the "keep 
alive" circuit. Here is an example of where my lack of electronics 
experience really shows, but I can build from and sometimes even understand 
a schematic. 

So, if anybody has ideas or experience, please let me know. I've looked at 
several circuits on the web, and have a vague idea of what can be done. 

Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance,


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