A few years ago I restored an EZ10/EZ10A/EZ10B tester, see here: 

The currents stated on the tester for EZ10/EZ10A is 1.1mA minimum, 1.3mA 
nominal and 1.6mA maximum, for the EZ10B the currents stated is 1.3mA 
minimum, 1.6mA nominal and 1.8mA maximum for tubes to pass the test.

The counting speed is about 200kHz for the EZ10, 300kHz for the EZ10A and 
just above 1MHz for the EZ10B.

The voltages for the EZ10 are (somewhat different currents from the ones 
stated on the tester):

Kenndaten und Betriebsdaten: min normal max 
Zündspannung Kathoden-Anode 260 320 450 V 
Brennspannung Kathoden-Anode 250 280 300 V 
Anodenspeisespannung 500 560 — V 
Anodenstrom 0.9 1.3 1.7 mA 
Anodenwiderstand 180 220 — kΩ 
Spitzenspannung der Eingangsimpulse 60 80 150 V 
Anstiegsgeschwindigkeit der Eingangsimpulse — — 108 V/S 
Dauer von Impulsen und Pausen ca. 2*10-6 — — s 
Negative Spannung für Nullstellung oder Vorwahl —- 120 — V 
Widerstand in Zuleitung zu Hilfskathoden — 47 — kΩ 
Ausgangswiderstände in Kathodenzuleitungen 0 6.8 6.8 kΩ 
Ausgangsspannung — 7 — V 

and for the EZ10A & EZ10B (somewhat different currents from the ones stated 
on the tester):

Kenndaten und Betriebsdaten 

EZ 10B 

min norm max min norm max 
Zündspannung Kathoden-Anode VZA 260 320 450 300 380 480 V 
Brennspannung Kathoden-Anode VB 250 270 300 280 300 330 V 
Anodenspeisespannung V0 470 560 
500 580 — V 
Anodenstrom IA 1.0 1.3 1.7 1.2 1.5 1.9 mA 
Anodenwiderstand Ra — 220 — — 180 — kΩ 
Spitzenspannung der Eingangsimpulse Ve 60 80 150 60 100 150 V 
Anstiegsgeschwindigkeit der Eingangsimpulse 
— — 108 — — 109 V/S 
Dauer von Impulsen und Pausen ca. 2*10-6 — — 5*10-7 — — s 
Rücksteil- oder Vorwahlspannung VR — 120 — — 120 — V 
Widerstand in Zuleitung zu Hilfskathoden RB 22 — 47 — — — kΩ 
Kathodenwiderstände Rk 0 6.8 6.8 0 6.8 10 kΩ 
Spitzenspannung der Ausgangsimpulse va — 7 — — 7 — V 
Farbe des Glimmlichtes 



However to reach 200kHz, 300kHz and 1MHz you will need to adjust the pulse 
voltage and also monitor the anode current so that it remains withing the 
specs, otherwise they will not count correctly.

I have run all three types of dekatrons up to their maximum counting speed 
and driving them with MPSA42 and the correct voltages while maintaining the 
anode current within limits is no problem, just make sure that you have 
fast rise time on the leading edge of the pulse and the specified trailing 
edge a bit slower so that the counting works within parameters.

I do have the datasheets, but I am not able to share those as I have been 
specifically asked not to by the gentleman I got them from - I have asked 
for permission once more yesterday to share them and I will do so if I am 
allowed to do so.


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