> On Jul 24, 2019, at 8:11 AM, Nick <gerbilparty...@gmail.com> wrote:
> We welcome all contributions... suggestions as to the folder hierarchy too !

Here's some blueskying...

Let's get our goals and minimum requirements worked out in so many words first 
(I'd prefer an outline). After we settle on the "what" we can haggle about 
"how". Afterwards, hashing out the details may require a separate, special 
group reporting back to this main group on a regular basis (anyone interested 
would be welcome to lurk). A committee, if you will. Maybe. 

I want to hear as much info from knowledgeable group members as possible. I 
certainly don't have the ability to see all of the possible angles and and I'm 
not at all sure about the best way to maintain and host the files aside from 
being extremely leery of depending on anything "free" as a long-term solution. 
I've seen what can go wrong too many times before.

Then there's the NixieBase project which is still in its daydream phase. It has 
so many potential facets to it that it could easily require a small forum for 
organizational and support purposes. I agree with others that KISS is 
preferable but it should be done right the first time. That's another topic 
entirely so I request that any further discussion about NB be done in a new 
thread. Let's stick to the topic in this one.

Just my $0.02 based on decades of sometimes really bad experiences online.

Terry Bowman, KA4HJH
"The Mac Doctor"

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