Hi Bill,

I *REALLY* think an off the shelf USB-GPIB interface on a reasonably 
current computer will be the way to go. There's so much more involved than 
just the hardware interface! Having a system where the various software and 
hardware pieces play well together is no small accomplishment. I'll also 
mention that network accessed instruments are also in the mix... One 
project I was recently working on used LAN access to a R&S instrument with 
a USB-GPIB link to a couple of HP instruments... One 82357x interface with 
the GPIB instruments daisy chained off that one port.

Off all the places where I would choose to put my efforts, duplicating the 
Keysight and R&S tools would not be my first choice! Then again, these are 
tools of my trade and my employers would show me the door if I wasn't 
finding efficient ways to accomplish goals. Your objectives and choices for 
a hobby will be less constrained!

The Keysight 82357A/B USB-GPIB interface referenced above is a known good 
solution. I have multiple copies at work and here at home... and have been 
using them for years!

Again, bets regards,

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