My NIXIE clocks have an on-board GPS receiver and I set the DS3232 to 
generate a 1 PPS output. On power-up I sanity check the internal registers 
and if it looks good I
transfer the date and time to the uP memory. I pre-increment the internal 
time and at the PPS IRQ I update the display RAM from the internal register.

For GPS, I monitor the serial stream until I confirm a good lock and 
checksums. I then wait 20 seconds with no errors in the stream and then 
transfer the GPS time to the internal
RAM and switch the PPS interrupt from the RTC to GPS. I assume the GPS PPS 
is good and use my internal counters, monitor the GPS for bad packets only. 
If there are too many bad packets, I revert to the RTC PPS.

When I determine that GPS time is valid, I write the GPS time to the RTC. 
Also twice a day I update the RTC from the GPS at the GPS PPS (sort of 


On Wednesday, September 29, 2021 at 9:34:27 AM UTC-7 nixiebunny wrote:

> My latest scope clock uses a DS3232 RTC chip for general timekeeping. This 
> chip only keeps time to the nearest second, as far as the user-readable 
> registers are concerned. 
> I also have a USB port that can read the time from a GlobalSat GPS puck. 
> This reports the time once a second through the Arduino TinyGPS library, 
> with the age of the time in milliseconds (typically 250). This should let 
> me compensate for the read delay by setting the tick (50/60Hz) counter in 
> my local time variables.
> What do any of you time nuts do about displaying the time accurately, and 
> making the RTC be reasonably accurate compared to the GPS? 
> Do you discipline the RTC with GPS? Do you just ignore the RTC when GPS is 
> available? Set the RTC occasionally?

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