On Tue, 2012-04-03 at 15:30 -0400, Lomax, Michael P. wrote:
> Again my getting your response did not happen due to a problem with my
> email.  I downloaded your text below…
> The files you requested are attached.
> Your assistance is much appreciated…
> Mike Lomax
> On Mon, 2012-04-02 at 16:52 -0400, Lomax, Michael P. wrote:
> > You may recall that I had asked for your assistance back in August
> > with an attempt to load Net-SNMP 5.7.1.pre1 on several AIX 6.1
> > servers.  Unfortunately I got pulled away from my project back then
> > and am now, finally, getting back to it.
> >  
> > This time I started with the Net-SNMP 5.7.1 release using the tar.gz
> > file from your download page.  The `configure` and `make` were
> > successful but I did run into a problem with the `make test`.  All
> > tests passed with the exception of T0072com2secunix_simple.  This
> > particular test produced errors which can be found in the attached
> > snmpd.log file taken from the /tmp/T0072com2secunix_simple*
> directory.
> T072 is supposed to do quite a few negative tests so that you get
> errors
> is expected, but looking at the errors you get is somewhat suspicious
> as
> I would expect the errors to match the expectations in the second part
> of T072com2secunix_simple.
> > 
> > Looking back at my attempts in August I found that these same errors
> > existed during those runs as well.  Is this something that is a
> known
> > problem?  Any suggestions?
> As I say, some of them are expected but not all.
> Could you please send T0072com2secunix_simple
> and /tmp/T0072com2secunix_simple*/snmpd.conf


The test that fail are, principally, tu03c and tu03d but they fail in
interesting ways.

It seems that on AIX the sun_path member of sockaddr_un is 1022 bytes,
could you please verify this by checking in /sys/un.h and preferably
also by checking that there is a line in include/net-snmp-config.h that


Now, it seems that our config reading routines have a line length
maximum of 1024 bytes and that the overflow handling i less than
graceful but this is still only a theory so I will need to check this

The bug seems to appear in the intersection of these limits.


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