On Fri, 2006-03-03 at 08:47 -0500, Jean-Sebastien Morisset wrote:
> This morning I found automountd down on a few servers, so I'm looking at
> the "procfix" feature in snmpd.conf. The details on it's use are a
> little sketchy. For example, is a trap sent for the failure, or is the
> "fix" applied first. Is a trap sent after the fix command?

"proc" and "procfix" don't actually trigger traps at all.
At least not on their own - that's the realm of the (newer)
"monitor" directive.

The basic use of "proc" is to set a flag when it detects an
error.  It's up to an external management application to poll
the agent to spot such error flags.

The basic use of "procfix" is to run a command when it is
explicitly told to do so (by some external management app).
This command will *not* be run automatically (at least not
on its own), or trigger a trap - either before or after
being run.

One possibility with the 5.3 release is to have the DisMan
Event MIB trigger a suitable SET request (instead of sending
a trap), that *will* execute the command automatically.

This would look something as follows (untested!):

    setEvent jimllFixIt  prErrFix = 1
    monitor -S -r 128 -e jimllFixIt "procTable" prErrorFlag != 0

This functionality is only available with the 5.3 release.
The previous Event MIB implementation did not support set
events, just notifications.


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