On Wed, May 12, 2010 at 4:31 PM, Dave Shield <d.t.shi...@liverpool.ac.uk>wrote:

> On 11 May 2010 18:51, Bart Van Assche <bvanass...@acm.org> wrote:
> > After having applied patch r18692 the Perl modules do now build with MSVC
> 6
> > and MSVC 2008. The MSVC 6 build went fine. Several crashes were reported
> > however during the perl tests run as part of the MSVC 2008 build. These
> > crashes have been fixed on the trunk and V5.5 branches via revisions
> r18375,
> > r18369 and probably a few more commits.
> I've just tried building the 54x and 55x branches using MSVC 2008
> (build.bat,
> including both Platform SDK and Perl support.
>   In both cases, everything compiles OK, but the perl testing crashes out
> when it gets to the SNMP module.   ("Your vendor has not defined SNMP

Right, I had already finished the default_store, ASN, OID and agent Perl
modules but not yet the SNMP Perl module. I have added the details of the
Win32 Perl regression test output on the bug tracker -- see also

> Given that the errors are the same for both 54x and 55x lines, and in view
> of the length of time that the 54x release freeze has been in place, I'm
> inclined to the view that this probably isn't sufficient to delay the
> release
> any longer.   We're never going to get all of the bugs out, but things feel
> good enough to run with.

I understand this, but this also raises the question whether it will be
possible to generate working Windows binaries for the upcoming 5.4 release.


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