yes :) I think I,m too  hasty

because I have a limit time

I have snmpd.conf in this path and contain

# where to send v2 traps:

        trap2sink       (server_ip_address) public

        # send traps on authentication failures

        authtrapenable  1

But I have a force to send a trap by windows Agent (without get by
server Only sending trap by win agent)

can you help me in this step before continue?

I read this link and do config But I don't know how to manage MIB file
to sent as a trap


On Wed, Jul 25, 2012 at 12:29 PM, Dave Shield <>wrote:

> On 25 July 2012 04:56, mohamad hosein jafari <>
> wrote:
> > yes I did it
> >
> > and in the first window I got Log of my snmptrap instruction
> Good - that's progress
> > But excuse me I have another question :
> > How I can senf snmptrap by windows Agent?
> > can you help me?
> Too hasty you are, young padawan.
> Much to learn, you still have.
> Rome, built in a day, wasn't
>    [Hmmm...  that last one doesn't quite work somehow!]
> You've taken the first step in setting up the receipt of traps,
> but there's still a way to go.
>    The next two tasks (which are complementary, but
> independent, so can be tackled in either order) are:
>     -  sending a trap from the (local) agent
>            (rather than the command line 'snmptrap')
>     -  running the trap receiver as a daemon,
>            not via the command line.
> Let's look at the first one first.
> Is there a file /etc/snmp/snmpd.conf ?
> If so, does it contain a link of the form
>         "trapsink ...."
> or
>         "trap2sink ....."
> If so - what exactly does this look like?
> If there isn't a file /etc/snmp/snmpd.conf,
> then can you find a file called 'snmpd.conf'
> somewhere else on the system?
>    If so, where?
> Note that there may be more than one. Try
> running   "locate snmpd.conf" which should
> report all of them  (assuming this is set up right)
> Same question - do any of these contain
> 'trapsink' (or similar) lines?
> Dave
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