Nowhere / Now / Here, contemplating the work of a machine.

Review by Vito Campanelli.

Nowhere / Now / Here is an exhibition organized by LABoral, Centro de 
Arte y Creación Industrial of Gijón: 78 works by 67 artists from 20 
countries, exhibited till the end of April. The exhibition, curated by 
the Spanish designers Roberto Feo and Rosario Hurtado, walks the line 
between art and design, only to discover that that line doesn't exist 
anymore: it vanished, creating opportunities to find new ways to recount 
the ever-changing contemporary reality and shape the future. The three 
thematic areas (Material Intervention, Psychological Exploration and 
Cultural Resistance) highlight three areas of research and provide a 
useful map for trying to understand the main threads of contemporary 

The curators have chosen to shun fixed categories, arguing that they are 
simply a marketing device, so the exhibition area contains artworks made 
with the most disparate media and approaches: from the azulejos of the 
Portuguese designers Pedrita to the virtual reality of British designer 
Marc Owens. Feo and Hurtado, by exhibiting works they feel an affinity 
to, have been able to encourage a union between these works. This has 
been augmented through showing works in small groups with attached 
identity tags (for example: solitude, memento, symbiosis, expansion, 
absence, fiction, etc.) that although seeming somewhat arbitrary, 
represent a natural way to inspire discussion of different approaches to 
design. The feeling that the artworks are dialectically citing one 
another is also promoted through their method of arrangement.

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