Hello Ruth,

Thank you so much! What a wonderful list, that's an amazingly rich 
variety of work and I look forward to visiting and finding out more - I 
shall also point my students at this. Yes, I agree that 'visibility' of 
the work (or maybe 'hearability' in my field ;-)  is so important. 
Within digital experimental music, and especially within teaching about 
this area (both inside and outside of the academy, I hasten to add) I 
still feel that the presence of women practitioners is particularly 
lacking, and the reasons are complex perhaps ...well, aren't they always 
- I don't *think* this is just my anecdotal sense, although I have no 
data on this (some has been collected however, a while back, that 
indicates this in the UK institutions at least).



on 26/02/2009 5:27 AM Ruth Catlow wrote:
> Hi Kathryn,
> Thanks for your post. It got me thinking about how important the
> visibility of other women's work is to me in my daily doings. There is
> then something about a lot of this works' basis in networks that makes
> me feel much more connected to it than I might be to work of other women
> artists. 
> in the meantime I have been thinking about...
> Annie Abrahams - for one of my favourite early netart works, Separation
> http://bram.org/separation - and for her networked performances
> including the multiple series with panoplie
> http://aabrahams.wordpress.com
> Daphne Dragona - curatorial work with networked consciousness in the
> field of games art a - especially the amazing Homo Ludens Ludens at
> Laboral
> http://www.we-make-money-not-art.com/archives/2008/05/homo-ludens-ludens-quick-conve.php
> and her work with Personal Cinema
> Aurea Harvey - for her part with Entropy8Zuper in early intimate
> networked performances http://entropy8zuper.org/wirefire and for Endless
> Forest, Tale of Tales's bucolic social screensaver
> http://tale-of-tales.com/TheEndlessForest
> Mary Flanagan - for her energetic explorations as academic, educator,
> artist and programmer at the intersection of games, art and feminism
> and exploring collaborative approaches to thinking about values in
> http://www.valuesatplay.org/
> Aileen Derieg - her writing about life in the Freie Szene in Linz on the
> Furtherfield blog http://blog.furtherfield.org/?q=blog/8 and
> translations of writing at the intersection of art, technolgy and social
> change.
> The  De Geuzen crew - Renee Turner, Femke Snelting and Riek Sijbring -
> especially for their project Female Icons
> http://www.geuzen.org/female_icons/
> Helen Varley Jamieson - for Upstage cyberformance platform
> http://upstage.org.nz/blog/
> Maja Kalogera - for some great digital artworks, curating exhibitions
> and facilitating Upgrade in Zagreb http://www.wowm.org/site_v7/index.php
> Kate Southworth- her thinking on feminism/networks and her ongoing
> artistic collaboration with Patrick Simon with Glorius Ninth
> http://www.gloriousninth.net
> Ele Carpenter - http://www.elecarpenter.org.uk/ for tech inspired and
> facilitated participation with Open Source Embroidery, her curatorial
> project exploring artists practice that explores the relationship
> between programming for embroidery and computing.
> Kate Rich - her imaginative, sideways and wonderfully parasitical
> project, Feral Trade, for trading goods along social networks. She has
> constructed a live shipping database, The Feral Trade Courier, "for a
> freight network running outside commercial systems. The database offers
> dedicated tracking of feral trade products in circulation, archives
> every shipment and generates freight documents on the fly."
> http://www.feraltrade.org/
> Kale Brandon -For her part (with Kate Rich) in Cube Cola, the first
> "open source soft drink" http://sparror.cubecinema.com/cube/cola and
> (with Heath Bunting) in Border Xing
> Jess Loseby - her net art http://www.rssgallery.com/ and various
> contributary projects especially Angry Women - Disturb the Peace
> http://www.rssgallery.com/2006/12/01/angry-women-disturbthepeace/
> Lucy Eyers - her work on the first Node.London season of media art
> http://nodel.org and the low-fi netart locator http://www.low-fi.org.uk
> and commissions
> Liza Haskel - early work in collaborative media art practices involving
> critical engagement in the politics of technology
> http://mediaartprojects.org.uk
> Francesca da Rimini/Gashgirl - early dirty cyberfeminism and current
> exploratory work on "small media, soft ecologies"
> http://www.sysx.org/gashgirl/
> Hannah Higgins - her book Fluxus Experience - not strictly technological
> but so closely connected in my mind to a more connected and distributed
> art experience
> Lucy Lippard -for dematerialization of the art object, for offering
> precursory context for net art but mainly for articulating the tensions
> for women artists looking to work with parity in a patriarchal, market
> driven art world
> Susy Gablick - her book Conversations before the end of time (not
> overtly technological -but somehow contextual)
> Sadie Plant - her books 'Zeros and Ones' and though not strictly
> technological, her book 'The Most Radical Gesture' about Situationism
> seems relevant too
> Finally I just have to slip Bjork in there for all of her songs which
> are full of blips and bleeps and glitches and technical experimentations
> and for her video with Chris Cunningham - All is Full of Love
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EjAoBKagWQA
> Of course there are lots of others and I am resisting the temptation to
> add in a list of honorary women (yes men!) 
> Finally I am excited by the prospect of attending Eclectic Tech Carnival
> this year in September http://eclectictechcarnival.org/node/864 for a
> "gathering of women interested in technology". It seems like a great
> thing. Perhaps you should come too:)
> love and peace
> Ruth
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Katharine Norman <kathar...@stayconscious.com>
> Reply-To: NetBehaviour for networked distributed creativity
> <netbehaviour@netbehaviour.org>
> To: NetBehaviour for networked distributed creativity
> <netbehaviour@netbehaviour.org>
> Subject: Re: [NetBehaviour] Ada Lovelace Day.
> Date: Sun, 22 Feb 2009 18:40:50 +0000
> Hello Marc, Karen,
> Well, I tend to lurk....but now I think I have to write:
> I will be signing up - to write about: Pauline Oliveros, composer and 
> writer who has, through her work been a role model I, for one, needed, 
> as I studied and now teach as a composer/writer in the area of 
> experimental 'computer music'.
> I keep a piece she wrote about her university teaching experience near 
> me, where I can draw on it for strength.Perhaps a brief extract might be 
> of interest -  this passage is a little out of context, but I think she 
> certainly nails some experiences others will know only too well Her 
> advice hails from her experience of US academia.. from the late 1960s on.
> 'A problem: Although there are pockets and waves of enlightenment in 
> some institutions women continue to be marginalized in music and 
> technology in institutions. They are rarely given teaching positions or 
> assistantships in technology and music composition.
> A solution: In order to restore the balance of power between all beings, 
> women have to acknowledge their secret feelings, devise coping 
> strategies to deal with men of power and privilege, bond with and 
> support one another in dedication to evoking the most positive and 
> creative personal and professional behavior from themselves and others 
> in every way that is possible. Creativity at all levels of society in 
> every possible action is the only solution to the evolution of 
> consciousness free of the limitations of fear' Pauline Oliveros, 'A 
> Former UCSD Professor Speaks Up' (first posted online to cec-discuss - 
> 1996 I think)
> For any woman, like myself, working in technologically based areas, 
> there are I think particular challenges - sadly, still - to expect. 
> After six years away from academia, I am back both to directing an 
> electronic music studio and to teach in the area of experimental digital 
> music (at City University London). And I come back find only one woman 
> in the sizeable postgraduate community, and few applying or taking 
> undergraduate electives. I understand from concerned male and female 
> professonal colleagues that the situation is no less dire elsewhere.
> My heart aches to change this, and my personal 'solution' has been to be 
> incremental and piecemeal, to engender local shifts of attitude, or 
> attempts at such - but I feel this is failure of a kind. As Marc so 
> ruefully and, I think, accurately, discerns the 'laziness' of - in this 
> case - academic structures is hard (but not impossible, I dream...and 
> hope ) to shake out of its complacency. But to my mind the roots lie 
> deeper ( and are more pervasive and embedded) than whether individuals 
> (male or female) 'bother' or not.. I would be very interested to know 
> what others have encountered in various contexts and their advice.
> - and my computer hard drive's name....well, Ada, of course ;-)
> best,
> Katharine
> on 22/02/2009 12:44 PM marc garrett wrote:
>> Hi Karen,
>> Yes, I will definitely sign the pledge :-)
>> Here's a snippet in respect of where I am coming from, which I wrote in 
>> the Crisis interview with the Open Source Art crew:
>> "Issues such as war, religion, the climate change and the financial 
>> crisis are all linked. To define any of them as coming from a singular 
>> root cause would be too easy, yet I do feel there is a deep rooted 
>> problem that needs serious observation. It is part of the crisis and a 
>> puzzle, hard-wired into humanity’s psyche, it exists everywhere. All of 
>> our cultures through history have failed to actively incorporate as 
>> equal, a feminine perspective, usually leaving women out of the decision 
>> making process as much as possible, unless they abide within the rules 
>> of a masculine orientated framework. Even though many women have managed 
>> to become part of life’s institutional infrastructures, they still have 
>> to behave according to patriarchal demands. This is because a 
>> fundamental male code of conduct has already been set in place as 
>> default long before any women have had a decent chance to challenge 
>> these unbalanced conditions." http://www.interviewingthecrisis.org/?p=27
>> I feel that we need more evolutionary approaches which are informed by 
>> and relate more to human related contexts, so to transcend the typical 
>> and lazy, male dominated, monotheist imposed structures (religious or 
>> institutional). Like yourself maybe?
>> marc
>> Hello Marc,
>> Thank you for being one of the few males bothering about this - will you 
>> be place a pledge?
>> Karen...
>> Pledge "AdaLovelaceDay"
>> "I will publish a blog post on Tuesday 24th March about a woman in 
>> technology whom I admire but only if 1,000 other people will do the same."
>> — Suw Charman-Anderson (contact)
>> Deadline to sign up by: 24th March 2009
>> 1,341 people have signed up (341 over target)
>> More details
>> Ada Lovelace Day is an international day of blogging to draw attention 
>> to women excelling in technology. Women's contributions often go 
>> unacknowledged, their innovations seldom mentioned, their faces rarely 
>> recognised. We want you to tell the world about these unsung heroines. 
>> Whatever she does, whether she is a sysadmin or a tech entrepreneur, a 
>> programmer or a designer, developing software or hardware, a tech 
>> journalist or a tech consultant, we want to celebrate her achievements.
>> It doesn't matter how new or old your blog is, what gender you are, what 
>> language you blog in, or what you normally blog about - everyone is 
>> invited to take part. All you need to do is sign up to this pledge and 
>> then publish your blog post any time on Tuesday 24th March 2009. If 
>> you're going to be away that day, feel free to write your post in 
>> advance and set your blogging system to publish it that day.
>> We will gather as many of the posts together on the day as we can, and 
>> we'll let you know exactly how we're going to do that nearer the time. 
>> For ongoing updates about Ada Lovelace day, please follow us on Twitter, 
>> join our mailing list or see our blog.
>> http://findingada.com/
>> http://twitter.com/FindingAda
>> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/findingada
>> Who was Ada?
>> Ada Lovelace was one of the world's first computer programmers, and one 
>> of the first people to see computers as more than just a machine for 
>> doing sums. She wrote programmes for Charles Babbage's Analytical 
>> Engine, a general-purpose computing machine, despite the fact that it 
>> was never built. She also wrote the very first description of a computer 
>> and of software.
>> On Sun, Feb 22, 2009 at 12:14 PM, marc garrett 
>> <marc.garr...@furtherfield.org> wrote:
>>     Ada Lovelace Day.
>>     Bringing women in technology to the fore.
>>     I've mainly stayed away from the discussion of gender issues in
>>     technology. I didn't think that I had any real expertise to share. But
>>     over the last six months, after many conversations, it has become clear
>>     that many of my female friends in tech really do feel disempowered. They
>>     feel invisible, lacking in confidence, and unsure how to compete for
>>     attention with the men around them.
>>     Then I see the stupid puerile misogynistic manner with which some of the
>>     more powerful voices in the tech community - some of them repeat
>>     offenders - treat women, and it makes me very cross indeed. The
>>     objectification of women is bad enough when it's done by the media, but
>>     when it's done by a conference organiser or tech commentator or famous
>>     tech publication, what message does it send? Nothing but "You will never
>>     be taken seriously, but we might take notice of you if you're hot."
>>     But what to do? Well, let's pull back from the anger a little, and start
>>     to look instead at why it might be that women feel less secure in their
>>     abilities than most men, and what might help change that. Undoubtedly
>>     it's a complex issue, but recent research may shed some light:
>>     Psychologist Penelope Lockwood discovered that women need to see female
>>     role models more than men need to see male ones.
>>     more...
>>     http://findingada.com/blog/2009/01/05/ada-lovelace-day/
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