geez guys, i (randomly) noticed that you're discussing my games!
sorry i didn't notice it before!

to answer sort of briefly
yes we originally sold The Graveyard strictly from our own website and  
it sold okay. i mean, the selling was originally a pretty conceptual  
Michael made an (also somewhat conceptual) "post-mortem" of the  
project where he talks about how we made the game but also sales  
figures and a host of other issues:

suffice it to say that on Steam, The Graveyard sells _better. Still  
not a lot but more than one would have thought. Thing is there are A  
LOT of people on the Steam network (something like 20 million) While  
the highest percentage is Counter-Strike players and such, there are  
also large pockets of people looking to do something else. The indie- 
games category is getting more and more popular and man people want to  
support this method of game production because they WANT there to be a  
wider variety of games out there. The Path is doing well enough that  
we feel it is a viable way to distribute our work from now on, if they  
will continue to have us. I could go deeper into our motivation for  
choosing to distribute our artworks this way... if it is of interest  
to you.

On Steam and in general, among gamers, all our projects seem to be  
extremely polarizing. We get love letters and death threats.  
literally. its frightening sometimes how seriously some gamers take  
their hobby. and how threatened they can feel by a game about an old  
woman or a game with 6 little girls.

We are trying to push buttons though. Just happy that Steam and other  
online distribution channels are happy to play along with us.

We are _right_now_ at the Independent Games Festval in san  
franscisco ...i am writing this from moscone center....
there are a lot of people who say The Graveyard shouldn't be nominated  
for an award.... that its not a game... that we are evil for making  
luckily there are also many who think otherwise... itz interesting  
but either way we are still outsiders
even in a genre full of outsiders.

with love,

The PATH, out NOW:
play for free:
nominated for the 2009 IGF Innovation award:

On 23-mars-09, at 10:00, clemos wrote:

> Hi
> I have played The Graveyard, (randomly) downloaded via Steam, and been
> very positively surprised to find such things on that platform. I've
> been searching for other similar "artistic" games in the "Indie"
> section, but without luck... I'll sure check "The Path".
> It renewed my interrest in that platform (steam), because it indeeds
> seems to make it possible for artists to reach new audiences (gamers),
> and eventually to bring games and art closer from each other (or
> actually to make their proximity more obvious). The economics behind
> Steam and its impact on such "artgaming" production and distribution
> is also very interresting, maybe promising.
> Did you find any resource about these topics ? I'd be especially
> interrested in reviews and insight from the team of Tale of Tales: did
> they manage to sell their games ? how many downloads ? what's the
> commercial deal with Steam ? ...
> +++++++
> Clément
> On Mon, Mar 23, 2009 at 1:14 PM, Corrado Morgana
> <> wrote:
>> You might want to check out Tale of Tales' later stuff, 'The  
>> Graveyard' and
>> 'the Path' both available from their own website and also from  
>> Steam, online
>> videogames distribution stream; artgaming/games art, alongside  
>> indie and
>> commercial games, making the distributional leap to large (huge)  
>> potential
>> audiences (I'm not going to say mass market!)
>> Steam absolutely rocks...
>> Corrado
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From:
>> [] On Behalf Of Ruth  
>> Catlow
>> Sent: 22 March 2009 7:31 PM
>> To: NetBehaviour for networked distributed creativity
>> Subject: [NetBehaviour] Furtherfield in Support of Ada Lovelace Day
>> Hi Netbehaviourists,
>> In support of Ada Lovelace Day (highlighted by Marc and discussed a
>> couple of weeks back) we are inviting all women who work in media  
>> arts
>> and net art, who are not already subscribed, to join the NetBehaviour
>> email list for a week between 23rd and 30th March.
>> We are asking them to squat the list for a week (of course we hope
>> they'll stick around for longer:) and tell us about their work and  
>> that
>> of other women who have inspired them in their own practice.
>> This is not a separatist excercise; we want to hear from all of you  
>> so
>> don't hold back.
>> Posts are welcome in any length, format and frequency and we are not
>> worrying about repeats or gaps. The following is offered as an  
>> example.
>> ====================
>> MY NAME: Ruth Catlow
>> URL:
>> Ele Carpenter - for tech inspired and
>> facilitated participation with Open Source Embroidery, her curatorial
>> project exploring artists practice that explores the relationship
>> between programming for embroidery and computing.
>> Auriea Harvey - for her part with Entropy8Zuper in early intimate
>> networked performances and for  
>> Endless
>> Forest, Tale of Tales's bucolic social screensaver
>> Mary Flanagan - for her energetic explorations as academic, educator,
>> artist and programmer at the intersection of games, art and feminism
>> and exploring collaborative approaches to thinking about values in
>> ==============================
>> At the end of the week we will collate all of the posts in the thread
>> and feature them on
>> With all best wishes from
>> Ruth and the Furtherfield crew
>> ==========================
>> *Ada Lovelace Day -bringing women in technology to the fore
>> sign a pledge to blog about inspirational women in tech on 24th  
>> March.
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