Hi John,

No problem about it being an incomplete list, I've still got names that 
I have not (unhappily) been able to add myself - loads more.

So thanks for this & we are still getting it all ready. It has taken a 
bit longer because we are all pretty busy here, doing different jobs 
trying to survive, as well as all the stuff with furtherfield...

wishing you well.


hmmm, haven't had the time to think about this issue in the last two
weeks to the depth it deserves, and it quickly turns into a happy wander
through the depths of memory.  and so this is a totally incomplete
list...  and it's not about just 'media' artists anyway, it's about
women working in arts and culture who have influenced my worldview
through the crossing of paths ...

In no particular order, I would mention Lucy Lippard, a big influence at
CU-Boulder where she was stationed when I was doing my MFA; Janice
Tanaka, a video teacher I had at the same time; Kathy Kennedy, the owner
of Photoworks, the top custom B&W lab in NYC, she turned me into a
master printer; all my women students at the Icelandic Academy who
taught me much about gender equality and fearless creative expression,
especially Sara Bjornsdottir and Solveig Sveinsbjornsdottir; Valgerdur
Hauksdottir, my colleague, friend, and artist who initiated one of the
first networked/distributed Master's programs in Fine Arts in Europe in
the early 90's; Finnish artist Kaisu Koivisto, a constant inspiration
and friend; Nan Hoover, media and performance artist and teacher, whose
passing last year was really a tragic loss to all who knew her; Bernice
Luhulima, Eija Makivuoti, and Mari Keski-Korsu in Helsinki, Dagmar Kase
in Tallinn, Rasa Smite in Riga, Isabelle Jenniches in Santa Cruz, Sophea
Lerner in Delhi; Share.dj amigas Marie-Helene Parant in Montreal and
Keiko Uenishi in NYC; Kristin Bergaust from Atelier Nord days; Francis
Charteris in Boulder; Amanda McDonald Crowley now at eyebeam; Honor
Harger; Kathy Rae Huffman; Helen Varley Jamieson; Carmin Karasic;
Josephine Bosma; Joanna Buick; Sher Doruff; Bronac Ferran; Elisa
Giaccardi; Antoinette LaFarge; Alice Miceli; Varsha Nair (womanifesto)
in Bangkok; Leena Saarinen; Katrin Sigurdardottir; Helen Thorington;
Adrianne Wortzel...

Other former students who are continuous sources of creative
inspiration: Sarah Chung, Nadja Franz, Jane Crayton, Fernanda Scur, Dona
Laurita, Monique Stauder, Angelica Chio, Mary Finney, the Icelandic Love
Corporation; Annu Wilenius

Frida Kahlo; Louise Bourgeois; Yoko Ono;

and others...

with thanks,


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