My Ada Lovelace Day suggestions. I have more to post today as well...

My name - Marc Garrett.

Anne-Marie Schleiner

Velvet-Strike. - A collection 
of spray paints to use as graffiti on the walls, ceiling, and floor of 
the popular network shooter terrorism game "Counter-Strike", 
conceptualized during the beginning of Bush’s "War on Terrorism."

"...part of a growing movement to bring a message of peace, love and 
happiness to online shooters by any means necessary. Graphical User 
Intervention, a more radical group of protesters, will go so far as to 
sacrifice their characters for the greater cause of getting out a 
message of non-violence." Wired.

When this appeared on the net art scene in 2002 I completely understood 
and appreciate why Anne-marie used her computing and art skills to 
embark in such a dynamic interventionist tactic, in challenging the 
psychology, attitudes and fetish around violence and war in the form of 
interventionist, networked play. It had to be done, especially in 
contrast to the overwhelming experience of witnessing our governments 
and media falling into the typical trappings of opting for more violence 
to (supposedly) solve terrorism. I personally, found it all extremely 
frustrating seeing the world torn apart by other (slack) males, as well 
as those who bought into. This is also one of the various anti-war net 
artworks, which inspired me to make some of my own anti-war net art-works.


Aileen Deirig

Aileen, for her dedication in being part of and supporting various 
contemporary, independent groups and organisations; many involving women 
where she has selflessly shared her energy, ideas and varied skills, 
whether it be in programming, writing or social engagement. A 
collaborator who genuinely incorporates her personal, social and 
contextual beliefs into her everyday life and practice. I also admire 
her intelligence in understanding that art is not just about product, 
but also fluid place where contemporary factors such as feminism, 
politics, technology and human context all have a place, allow agency. 
Some of the projects that Aileen has been involved with are 
Genderchangers -, the faces list -, the Servus blog -, the Furtherfield blog - (thanks Aileen), Monochrome Blog -, and more. You find more Aileens 
projects, translations and writings here -

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