Yes, they're not our lines and what we're sending seems of little direction political concern, although I may be very wrong here.

On another matter, yes, Hendrix used electric guitar w/ analog feedback; it wasn't thought of as information but as _body_ and paralleled the phenomenology of people like Ayler and others emphasizing the black body, the political interference, etc.

Related, we built our own large analog synthesizer in the late 60s and I was amazed at the fact a signal could be entered anywhere and exited anywhere on the machine; I've written about how the machine doesn't just appear, but _is_ transparent and it relates strongly to noise/abjection etc. in the environment.

Don't you also think just about any group wants to think of themselves as a model or modeling? And modeling itself is fraught with abjection (see my essay - I model, you take my picture) - it's too easy. What if there's no netarizen/artisen class? What if it's people who do a variety of practices some online, some off, therebye relating closely for example to the 19th- century telegraph operating culture?

- Alan

On Wed, 4 Mar 2015, James Morris wrote:

On 04/03/15 15:28, Randall Packer wrote:
"What are we, as NetArtizens doing/writing/ about it (when the land
is scorched from war and climate change)? I think this is critical,

@Alan, what we are doing about it, here, is opening up lines of
communication. In a world where negotiation and conflict resolution are

the lines are already open, we're just sending information back and forth along them. they're not our lines, as we all know.

upended by unreasonable geo-political differences and the refusal to speak
openly, honestly, and directly: we as #netartizens can be a **model** (and
yes, that?s essentially the role of the artist to model) by engaging one
another under the radar, speaking out, openly with our work & our
(net)work & our voices, to help paint + perform + mediate new ideas, words
and portraits of **our** vision of humanity.

easy to forget that, or easy for it to become less meaningful than it was in our once (and maybe still) naive minds.

We have to speak in order to be heard.

true true.


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