Yes Netbehaviourists
That's now!
well... in 18 minutes from now.

To Access: Adobe Connect Webconferencing

Hope you can join us to review and celebrate with us the Netartizen project!

: )

On 01/04/15 23:01, Randall Packer wrote:
There has been a sudden cancellation of the keynote by Lev Manovich today,
Thursday April 2, at the Art of the Networked Practice | Online Symposium.
As a result, we are moving the ³Net Behaviors² discussion  two hours
early. Info below, you can join us and participate in a live discussion of
the NetArtizens Project:

Thursday, April 2, 2:00 PM ­ 3:30 PM (Singapore Time) (-12 hours East
Coast US, -7 hours UK, -6 hours Central Europe, +3 hours Sydney)
Virtual Roundtable Global Exchange: ³Net Behaviors²

In the final session, we will host an open dialogue for all participants
and attendees, local and remote. As a synthesis of ideas and aspirations
raised throughout the symposium, as well as the month long NetArtizens
Project <>, we will examine how
today¹s Net practitioners, or what we might refer to as ³Netartizens,² are
signaling a changing approach to artistic production, research, and
teaching. In the age of social media, our conversations, discourses, and
artistic work are ³intertwingled² (to use Ted Nelson¹s playful term) with
exponentially exploding repositories of media and information: nowadays,
our everyday communications are embedded with the metadata of search
queries, hyperlinks, hashtags and usernames. To the extent that we
practice, challenge, and assimilate the rapidly evolving systems and
techniques of the network, we will examine and dissect the resulting
impact on our individual and collective ³Net behaviors.²


* Randall Packer, Visiting Associate Professor, School of Art, Design &
Media, Nanyang Technological University


* Vibeke Sorensen, Chair, School of Art, Design & Media, Nanyang
Technological University
* jonCates, Chair and Associate Professor of Film, Video and New Media,
School of the Art Institute of Chicago
* Ruth Catlow & Marc Garrett, Co-founders & Co-directors, Furtherfield,

To Access: Adobe Connect Webconferencing

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