> From: "Jean-Michel Hemstedt" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 > >  > Since in my test, each connection is ephemeral (<10ms) ...

One question here is whether the traffic generator is acting like
a real set of users or like an attacker.  A real user would not keep
trying to make connections at the same rate if the previous attempts 
were not being served.  I suspect you're acting more like an attacker.

 > > So I'm guessing that large number of entries in conntrack table is
 > > evidence that packets are being lost.  
 > not only: a crashed endpoint breaking the tcp sequence causes also
 > garbage entries in conntrack (known issue).
Again, a crashed endpoint would likely not get as many hits.
My guess is that the reason for all the conntrack entries is related
to what I described in my earlier mail.  Creating conntrack entries is
expensive.  My machine could only do it about 1000 time/sec.  Off hand
I don't know which packets are dropped.  I'd guess that the ones that
make it through the conntrack code do get forwarded, but I don't know.
If, for example, the return packets are lost because we're too busy 
adding new conntrack entries, then there's nothing to cause the
entries to go away, other than those timeouts.

 > > Just wondering, how did you measure cpu load?
 > procinfo -n10 ; [d] for showing differences, which in fact, computes
 >                    the differences of cumulated cpu time (got from 
 >                    /proc/stat) on the given period: (tsys1-tsys0)/T
I see /proc/stat - user, nice, system, idle.  Thank you.  Very useful.


 > > Everybody agrees that NAT is evil and it should be avoided in all
 > circumstances.
This is news to me!  Is this just because the implementation is
lacking or some more fundamental reason?

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