On Tue, 25 Jun 2002, Henrik Nordstrom wrote:

> > if conntrack  doesn't see a FIN or RST packet, it won't be forwarded by
> > the machine and thus never arrive at the receiver.  The sender will thus
> > retransmit, and hope the packet makes it next time.
> FIN will be retransmitted a couple of times, but RST won't. RST will only be
> retransmitted indirectly if data arrives from the other end.


> This brings me back to the important cases where TCP closes down without
> conntrack noticing. Have tried to bring this up a couple of times before but
> I do not recall seeing much of a response..
> There exists at least two real-life cenarios where conntrack won't notice that
> a TCP connection is gone:
> If the RST is lost on a aborted connection where the other endpoint has
> disappeared.
> when the TCP is dropped due to retransmission timeouts after one of the
> endpoints have disappeared.
> The two cases above is only slight variations of the same scenario. A TCP is
> established, then one of the endpoints disappears from the network preventing
> the connection to be shut down in a normal manner.
> The first very uncommon and probably not easily exploitable.
> The second case is a real problem and can quite easily be used to DoS
> conntrack with a relatively small amount of packets. (total ~20 minimum size
> TCP packets per wasted conntrack entry)
> The good news is that second case can be detected by detecting a long term
> uni-directional packet flow, and we probably do not need to care about the
> first..

How could be such connections (second case) sorted out from
legitimate uni-directional (even half-closed) connections?

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