> > > So I'm guessing that large number of entries in conntrack table is
> > > evidence that packets are being lost.
> >
> > not only: a crashed endpoint breaking the tcp sequence causes also
> > garbage entries in conntrack (known issue).
> Did I miss something? What do you mean by this "known issue" above?
> I don't understand what do you refer.

I refer to "conntrack timeout too big" 22 May 2001:

|> On Tue, 22 May 2001, Ramin Alidousti wrote:
|> > Shouldn't tcp conntrack detect a RST or FIN and remove the entry?
|> > For udp, it's more difficult/impossible.
|> Normally yes. But for a strange reason, not all connections send a RST or
|> FIN. Or, if they do send a RST, conntrack doesn't detect it.
|If they don't send a RST or FIN they are not closed (or only half-closed).
|So it would be _more_ than buggy to delete them.
|And if there is a RST packet, conntrack will detect it, believe me.
|> Anyway, in good old ipchains, I had the possibility to set those timeouts
|> with -M -S options. Even if all tcp connections would send a RST or FIN at
|yes, please go to the mailinglist archives and look for extensive discussions
|about the timeouts.
|general conclusion: we don't want to add more buttons than needed. conntrack
|is supposed to work, if it doesn't work, we need to fix it.
|- Harald Welte

The reasonning behind conntrack (and its timeouts), is that the outside
world is reliable... (isn't it?)
But packet loss, power failures, sudden crashes, reboots ,and even DoS 
attacks (or P2P softwares behaving close to DoS) are common enought to 
reconsider this approach, i think.


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