> Thanks for the earlier email, it was a big help.  Are you saying that
> is better than MeetingPoint?

Well, it was more appropriate for our purposes. MeetingPoint was more
expensive, and we found the multi-point video to be pretty much useless for
us anyway since most of our clients are on modem speeds which just isn't
fast enough for usable video, so we went for OnLive.

>  I am looking for something that will allow
> UNIX users connect to NetMeeting through WTS and participate in a
> with people who are running PCs, and I saw that Meeting Point will allow
> that...does OnLive as well?

What's WTS? Sounds like a conferencing program that runs on UNIX, is that
right? I don't know if OnLive supports it - I think it'll support CU-SeeMe,
so it might support WTS as well. We can try it out with our OnLive server
sometime if you like - e-mail me off-list if you'd like to try it out.

>  I'm searching for that info now but I'm not having much luck so far...

You've had a look at www.onlive.com , have you? I'll check our software
documentation to see if it mentions anything in there.


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