Hi Juergen,

Should the "node-instance-identify" type specify how the path "/" is treated?

I noted that in rfc8341, the behavior for "/" is described in the leaf "path" description rather than in the type definition, but I was thinking that it might be better if this behaviour was specified as part of the typedef.

Snippet from RFC8341:

             case data-node {
               leaf path {
                 type node-instance-identifier;
                 mandatory true;
                   "Data node instance-identifier associated with the
                    data node, action, or notification controlled by
                    this rule.

                    Configuration data or state data
                    instance-identifiers start with a top-level
                    data node.  A complete instance-identifier is
                    required for this type of path value.

                    The special value '/' refers to all possible
                    datastore contents.";


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