On 2021-12-31, at 17:32, Ladislav Lhotka <ladislav.lho...@nic.cz> wrote:
> It means slightly more work for an XPath processor but is IMO considerably 
> more readable and less error-prone.

The original phrasing with ../../../../../ etc. is in conflict with the 
powerful maxim “let the computer do the counting” (remember 12HHello World in 

We had the same “relative-path” disease with the original use of (non-standard) 
relative JSON pointers in SDF.  Going to (the standard) absolute ones helped a 
lot, but actually finding the right node would be even better — can’t be done 
in RFC 6901 JSON Pointers though.

So my brain was just activated to this anti-pattern, and since XPath is 
infinitely more powerful than JSON Pointer, I just wanted to know how to avoid 
it.  Thank you!

Grüße, Carsten

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