Hi Jeff,

I’m branching off a separate thread for the extended communities discussion. Is 
this a good one from the draft for discussion?

  /* BGP Extended Community Types. */

  typedef bgp-ext-community-type {
    type union {
      type string {
        pattern 'route\-target:(6[0-5][0-5][0-3][0-5]|'
              + '[1-5][0-9]{4}|[1-9][0-9]{1,4}|[0-9]):'
              + '(4[0-2][0-9][0-4][0-9][0-6][0-7][0-2][0-9][0-6]|'
              + '[1-3][0-9]{9}|[1-9]([0-9]{1,7})?[0-9]|[0-9])';
         * description
         *   "Type 0x00, Sub-Type 0x02: Route-Target
         *    route-target:(ASN):(local-admin)
         *    2 octets global administrator and 4 octets local
         *    administrator.";
         * reference
         *   "RFC 4360: BGP Extended Communities Attribute,
         *    Section 4.";


      type string {
        pattern 'route\-origin:'
              + '(4[0-2][0-9][0-4][0-9][0-6][0-7][0-2][0-9][0-6]|'
              + '[1-3][0-9]{9}|[1-9]([0-9]{1,7})?[0-9]|[0-9])'
              + '(6[0-5][0-5][0-3][0-5]|[1-5][0-9]{4}|'
              + '[1-9][0-9]{1,4}|[0-9])';
         * description
         *   "Type 0x02, Sub-Type 0x03: Route-Origin
         *    route-origin:(ASN):(local-admin)
         *    4 octets global administrator and 2 octets local
         *    administrator.";
         * reference
         *   "RFC 5668: 4-Octet AS Specific BGP Extended Community,
         *    Section 4.";

      type string {
        // raw with 8 octets
        pattern 'raw:'
             + '([0-9A-Fa-f][0-9A-Fa-f]:){7}'
             + '[0-9A-Fa-f][0-9A-Fa-f]';
      "Type definition for extended community attributes.
       It includes a way to specify a 'raw' string that
       is followed by 8 bytes of octet string to support
       new and experimental type definitions.";
      "RFC 4360: BGP Extended Communities Attribute.";

Things can get tricky with unions in YANG, especially if things overlap. Are 
there values that one could configure as “raw:…” that overlap with the other 
union members? The raw value and the “other value” (that overlaps) would be 
considered completely different & separate tokens in YANG.  In other words, it 
isn’t really valid to set a “raw” value in a NETCONF server, but then fetch the 
configuration and see a different value (i.e. auto converted by the server to 
the known non-raw equivalent).

A more intuitive example for me is thinking about TCP ports. This is an example 
of a potentially problematic union:
               Union {
                   Type uint16;
                   Type enumeration {
                       Enum ssh {
                           Value 22;  <- could actually be any other number 
(not significant)
YANG sees the values “ssh” and “22” as completely separate independent 

If the typedef was used for state (config false) then it gets tricky to decide 
what to return for the value of a leaf of this type (when the port is 22). A 
human user sees 22 and ssh as the same thing, but YANG doesn’t.

Maybe this issue doesn’t turn out to be a problem for this particular extended 
community typedef but I’m not sure (implementors could make a mistake with it).


From: Jeffrey Haas <jh...@pfrc.org>
Sent: Thursday, April 13, 2023 4:44 PM
To: Jason Sterne (Nokia) <jason.ste...@nokia.com>
Cc: netmod@ietf.org
Subject: Re: Unknown bits - backwards compatibility

I wish to point you and others concerned on these points to the BGP YANG 
modeling for Extended Communities, which will have these problems in a 
different flavor: Known communities will render via the typedefs, unknown will 
render using the prefix 'raw'.  (See typedef bgp-ext-community-type.)  This 
headache is already a consideration in every BGP implementation that deals with 
extended communities in changing meaning.
[>>JTS:] Can you point me to a repository or RFC where I can see this? I’m not 
familiar with where this YANG work is being done.

Sorry for not including the URL.  This document went to WGLC for IDR a few days 
ago.  We'll be asking (yet yet yet again) for YANG doctor review.

You'll find the typedef issue for extended communities in there, and also the 
field for unknown bits in the operational state that is the genesis for this 

-- Jeff

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