On Thu, Apr 30, 2015 at 04:33:28PM +0100, Brian wrote:
> In article <54b9784cbfli...@torrens.org.uk>, Richard Torrens (lists)
> <li...@torrens.org.uk> wrote:
> > Could you change the saving of the hot list?
> > At present it only saves when NS is quit - a pain if you have just made
> > changes and NS quits1
> > It either needs a Menu Item: Save Hot List or it should save
> > automatically when changed.
> Reading this thread with some dismay. However, would it be practicable to
> sponsor support of the the RISC OS side of NetSurf under the ROOL
> sponsorship scheme? I should be glad to contribute if such a scheme were
> to be implemented.

I don't think offering a small amount of cash is going to make much
difference if there is no interested, skilled, or bored enough developer
to do the work.


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