After a bit of fiddling I got the default window position to where I 
want it - full width, just below the menu bar at the top and just 
above the icon bar at the bottom. I've ticked 'Stagger window 

This is fine when you first run NetSurf but I would expect NetSurf to 
use the default position whenever the first window is opened 
regardless of what went before (i.e. no other windows are open).

It doesn't work like that. You can open a window in the default 
position, close it and open another window. This gets staggered up or 
down even if there's no window to stagger it from.

I feel a bug report coming on, although it's really only a design 
oversight. In the mean time I might be better off with 'stagger 
windows' disabled.

Richard Porter            
t: @westernexplorer       
I don't want a "user experience" - I just want stuff that works.

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