Vincent Sanders  wrote on 21 Jul:
> NetSurf 3.9 features support for CSS Media Queries (level 4) and
> improvements to JavaScript handling.
> Also included are many bug fixes and improvements.

Good work:  thanks to the whole Netsurf team.

I'd like to know more about Media Queries vis-a-vis Netsurf.  Will the 
documentation (link from Netsurf welcome page) be updated soon?

As I understand it from the bottom of my learning curve, Media Queries has 
to do with designing a website so that it automatically adapts according 
to whether the user is viewing it on a large or small screen.

In the site I have been working on, I have treated Netsurf as the default. 
Realizing that Windows users habitually view a page the full size of their 
wide monitor, and thus get unreadably wide lines of text, I inserted a 
workaround to constrain page to 800px (about A5 width).  This works fine 
on A5 Android tablet too.

The problem of sensibly adapting the layout for a small screen on a 
smartphone has so far eluded me, hence my interest in Media Queries.

Jim Nagel                  

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