Let’s assume (so called intelligent) aliens would exist. What do you think: How 
would communication work with those aliens? How would it change the Internet if 
we expanded it to different planets? I’ve been wondering if hierarchical 
structures between the new lifeforms and us humans would occur – like a new 
form of imperialism.

There are two interesting talks about Libre Space (https://libre.space) from 
Greece: “UPSat — the first open source satellite” 
(https://media.ccc.de/v/34c3-9182-upsat_-_the_first_open_source_satellite) and 
“SatNOGS: Crowd-sourced satellite operations” 
Furthermore the first amateur radio satellite will be sent to space 
(https://www.amsat.org). Do you think this will enable astronomy and 
communication to/with space for a broader audience?

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