As a thought  experiment, consider why we can't communicate with the ants
or vice versa. Their social organization is stronger than ours and their
collective intelligence is demonstrable. It may be that one side is more
primitive than the other. But which?

Kant held that reason is still largely individual in the human case and its
potential will only be realized at the species level. He didn't mean that
we all become one big brain, but rather that we have to learn to pool our
intelligence and knowledge more effectively than at present. He probably
had in mind libraries to which we could add mass media (which are usually
one-way) and now the internet where everyone in principle can be a producer
and consumer, but it would seem that the organization of collective reason
is far away.

Kant also asked if our mathematics were universal and might therefore be a
means of communicating with aliens; and rejected the idea. His Copernican
revolution in metaphysics led him to make this observation: "Hitherto our
knowledge has conformed to objects; but what if objects have to conform to
our knowledge?" Our mathematics, music etc are therefore culturally
specific and would not allow us to communicate with aliens. But hang in
there, maybe, if we don't destroy the planet first, we might get there as a
species one day. Think again, Steven Spielberg.

The digital revolution is the most important in human history since the
invention of agriculture, but we are the digging stick operators in that
revolution and they couldn't have a clue that it all ends up as Chinese

Alternatively we and the other inhabitants of this planet may already be
the objects of a computer game played by much more intelligent aliens. It
is absurd to imagine that our pathetic technologies and even more pathetic
societies could expand our current means of communication to reach
extraterrestrials, any more than the ants already have the means to reach
us or the other way round. The Victorian thought they were the last stage
of evolution. We need to be more modest.


On Thu, Jan 11, 2018 at 5:00 PM, christineT <> wrote:

> I very much like the idea of a communication network expanded to aliens
> (us included)
> > Let’s assume (so called intelligent) aliens would exist. What do you
> think: How would communication work with those aliens? How would it change
> the Internet if we expanded it to different planets? I’ve been wondering if
> hierarchical structures between the new lifeforms and us humans would occur
> – like a new form of imperialism.
> >
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