> It would probably not be called internet, require a better
> understanding and use of our "other senses and sensors".
> Maybe it exists and we dumbs don't perceive it... or we don't know that
> certain waves effects are signs of it... or we produce too much
> electromagnetic pollution to be able to catch it, or…

… or they are already using gravitational waves for communication. ;) Or some 
other kind of transmission medium. Or they exist in another dimension. That 
would be nice: an intergalactic and multi-dimensional internet. What would 
intergalactic internet memes be like?
Electromagnetic pollution is an interesting point, since we love (I do, for 
sure) our electromagnetic communication and broadcasting systems. Nevertheless, 
we only focus on pollution regarding the spectrum of light because we can see 
That leads to the SETI initiative, which I find very interesting from both a 
scientific and an artistic view. Analysing electromagnetic signals, they are 
not only able to discover extraterrestrial life, but also to detect other 
cosmological events. It’s like fundamental research of electromagnetic signals 
with a chance of finding aliens.

> For the first amateur radio satellite, they could call it Loretta Strong
> ( from Copi's theater play) or Walt Dangerfield (from  P. K. Dick's Dr
> Bloodmoney). I think that should enable a better communication to/with
> space, cause they are intergalactically known and explicit, nope ?

They do call it Fox-1D. ;) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AMSAT#Satellite_names 

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