uh ho! please never use a command-line tool to convert RGB to CMYK.
you need to soft-preview to see which color-tones have gone for a
toss. printing is a visual process and a craftsmanship, not an
industrialized production method alone. so you need to preview and
adjust changes on-screen.

that said, you may use rgb workflows entirely for your press handovers.
they can then convert from your rgb final artworks to cmyk while
having it plugged
into their color managed workflow with their color-profiles.

still, you need to do some element of cmyk soft-previews on your
screen to ensure you don't get a shock at looking at the final print


On Tue, Jul 10, 2012 at 12:17 AM, A. Mani <a.mani....@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Mon, Jul 9, 2012 at 10:53 PM, Jaspreet Sarao <jaspritsa...@gmail.com> 
> wrote:
>> Sir, in my case above conversion method is working. Can you please
>> elaborate what do you want to say?
> You mentioned that "Its very easy to make the output for printing
> compatible. I used the
> imagemagick for this purpose." My point was that you have used it for
> the 'identify' command alone.
> The actual conversion is being done by 'gs'.
> Actually it is possible to avoid 'gs', but the result will not be nice
> (unless you do something new ).
> Best
> A. Mani
> --
> A. Mani
> http://www.logicamani.in
> http://www.logicamani.co.cc
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