Dhananjay Joshi wrote:
> I am further clarifying SCTP init problem described by Sankar.

Is your app using the 1-1 or 1-N style SCTP socket?  I saw in
the trace that the Sun machine seems to have two IP addresses, and  But they seem to have the same
MAC address.  Is this correct or just a glitch in the trace?  How
are the two IP interfaces set up?  The peer also seems to share
the same MAC address by the two IP addresses and

> Our application is similar to what you have described where client 
> establishes assoc with server and server restarts.
> How did you restart your server? In our case we reboot the server machine.
> We are using connect in non blocking mode and hence it doesn't time out.
> When server is rebooted, client side SCTP sends Init once but it stops 
> further attempts.
> We have not yet verified using dtrace probe but Ethereal trace at least is 
> showing that it is not sending Init nor sending COM LOST to application.

As Venu asked, did you see any ARP traffic?  The trace only contains
SCTP traffic so we are not sure if there is anything else.  And
after the INIT, do all other calls on that socket just hang there?

> Our application is on machine. is the server and 
> it is restarted by reboot command.  As you have also verified in trace, there 
> is Init coming out of only once.  This is after is 
> rebooted.

Could you please explain the structure of your code in handling
the non blocking connect() and receiving notification?


                                                K. Poon.
                                                [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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