I think the handling of Location directives, particularly the SetHandler directive 
a Location directive is broken. Or perhaps it never worked the way I intuit is should
work.  Why should we run directory_walk() if a location_walk() has identified a handler
for the request???

>From my earlier example...

In httpd.conf I have enabled mod_status thusly...
<Location /server-status>
SetHandler server-status

A request for http://mymachine/server-status will result in two stats:

stat 1 - %DocumentRoot%/server-status
stat 2 - %DocumentRoot%

Both are in get_path_info() as part of directory_walk().  Why are we even in

location_walk() is run BEFORE directory_walk() (see process_request_internal() in
http_request.c).  Seems if we find a handler for the request during the first
location_walk, we should skip the call to directory_walk(), no?  Skipping 
would avoid the stat calls.

One other observation that suggests an alternate solution... the very beginning of
directory_walk() has this check.......

     * Are we dealing with a file? If not, we can (hopefuly) safely assume we
     * have a handler that doesn't require one, but for safety's sake, and so
     * we have something find_types() can get something out of, fake one. But
     * don't run through the directory entries.

    if (r->filename == NULL) {
        r->filename = ap_pstrdup(r->pool, r->uri);
        r->finfo.st_mode = 0;   /* Not really a file... */
        r->per_dir_config = per_dir_defaults;

        return OK;

This suggests that perhaps the translate hook for mod_status should identify that the
request is not a file and set r->filename = NULL.  I am looking at Apache 1.3 but all 
discussion should apply to Apache 2.0 as well.


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