Greg Stein wrote:
> On Sat, Apr 07, 2001 at 08:54:51PM -0500, William A. Rowe, Jr. wrote:
> >...
> > For 2.1 (or 3.0) this nonsense must change.  If I say <Location /> SetHandler 
> >   SQLSpace-handler
> > then the entire file-system part of httpd needs to just _disappear_.
> You got that right. After doing the stuff for mod_dav's arbitrary backends,
> I've been thinking on the right form for Apache for quite a while. Rather
> than respond to the items in your post, I'll briefly explain how I believe
> we should be doing the processing:
>     Apache would keep a tree which corresponds to the URL space. The root of
>     the tree corresponds to "/" on the virtual server. Children of each node
>     are a hash table, keyed by the URI component. Nodes only exist where
>     configuration has occurred -- the node configuration typically means
>     children exist, but they simply aren't part of the URL-space tree.

This has the Ring of Truth to it.  Clearly, not it 1.3; definitely in
2.1.  For 2.0, I'd say it depends how nasty the gory details look.

> Having the tree in memory means that we can quickly map a URL to a resource. it!  It does sound faster, at least from 20,000 feet.


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