From: "Bill Stoddard" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, April 07, 2001 3:55 PM

> I think the handling of Location directives, particularly the SetHandler directive 
> a Location directive is broken. Or perhaps it never worked the way I intuit is should
> work.  Why should we run directory_walk() if a location_walk() has identified a 
> for the request???
> In httpd.conf I have enabled mod_status thusly...
> <Location /server-status>
> SetHandler server-status
> </Location>
> Why are we even in directory_walk()???
> location_walk() is run BEFORE directory_walk() (see process_request_internal() in
> http_request.c).  Seems if we find a handler for the request during the first
> location_walk, we should skip the call to directory_walk(), no?  Skipping 
> would avoid the stat calls.

>From the docs

"<Location> sections are processed in the order they appear in the configuration file, 
after the <Directory> sections and .htaccess files are read, and after the <Files> 

and from

"Another note: There is actually a <Location>/<LocationMatch> sequence performed just 
the name translation phase (where Aliases and DocumentRoots are used to map URLs to 
The results of this sequence are completely thrown away after the translation has 

> This suggests that perhaps the translate hook for mod_status should identify that the
> request is not a file and set r->filename = NULL.  I am looking at Apache 1.3 but 
>all this
> discussion should apply to Apache 2.0 as well.

I'm --1 on changing the parsing in 1.3, ever, not even a little.  You will _break_ a 
ton of
security that was carefully audited in user's environments.

For 2.1 (or 3.0) this nonsense must change.  If I say <Location /> SetHandler 
then the entire file-system part of httpd needs to just _disappear_.

This requires a number of non-trivial changes:

  . Location parsing must occur before Directory parsing

  . Directory walking/parsing must leave the core, and move out to a filesystem module

  . When a Location directive contains a DocumentRoot it passes control out of 
<location >
    into the filesystem <directory > namespace.

  . For legacy, a DocumentRoot outside of a <Location > block is parsed as if it were
    given in the <Location /> block.

Fortunately, AllowOverrides live only in <Directory > blocks, and will continue to 
behave in 
the correct manner.  The stat for %DocumentRoot%/.htaccess before the /server-status/ 
is tested is always correct if the root of the namespace is a filesystem space.  But 
entirely non-extensible.  I believe (strongly) that we need an additional set of 

  . An Overrides hook that handles the parsing for .htaccess files.  This is 
abstracted away
    from it's current residence in dir_walk().  It allows the overriding to be done by 
    Overrides handlers sitting in, say, a DBM rather than in .htaccess files.

  . Configuration of the 'Overrides' provider.

  . Implicit assumption (for compatibility) that a filesystem space has the .htaccess 
    Overrides handler if the DocumentRoot was used to map a location (even /) into the
    filesystem space.

  . No invocation of the Overrides hook when AllowOverrides is set to None.

And the worst change of all, if we are going to allow this shifting from filesystem to 
URI space, we need the location handler to start recongizing that the namespace 
has mapped a /foo///bar/ location to the /foo/bar/ location, and _STOP_ letting people 
around such escaped locations.

None of these changes is simple, and there are no one-liner patches to solve it.  It's
a terribly thorny set of problems.

The coming change to parsing will at least assure that the %DocumentRoot% isn't stated 
once it's canonicalized at startup.  Then AllowOverride None should start working much 
consistently with what you expect, as soon as a directory namespace cache is put into 



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