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March 19, 2004

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For those of you who not only didn’t believe Kerry’s Vietnam tall tale about a dog 
named “VC” being blown off his swift boat only to miraculously land on another swift 
boat (what are the odds?), but didn’t believe the boob would even tell such a 
cockamamie story in the first place, here’s the link to the PDF survey he filled out 
for the Humane Society so you can see it for yourself:  

Read it and weep.


“Next time you're asked, Senator, why not stand firm (you're already tall) and tell 
Americans, crisply, sharply and with conviction, how liberal values have shaped the 
greatness of this country. It won't lose you the election. It might just help you win 

- Liberal Katrina vanden Heuvel, liberal editor of the liberal The Nation magazine 
advising liberal John Kerry to admit openly he’s a liberal


“Dem candidate-in-waiting John Kerry is set for a 5-day luxury break at his Sun 
Valley, Idaho compound after a week riddled with gaffes, missteps and slippage in the 
polls.  Gorgeous, 19.5 rooms at 7,749 square-feet, with a market value of $4.9 million 
[property taxes of more than $30,000 annually], Kerry's Idaho vacation getaway will be 
the setting of a Spring Break regroup and unwind, sources tell the DRUDGE REPORT.”

- Drudge Report, 3/17/04


“Republicans may want to know which foreign leaders have been secretly endorsing John 
Kerry, but Democrats probably would rather know why their standard-bearer is taking a 
five-day hiatus in his vacation home in Idaho just as the battle is heating up. The 
candidate and his wife landed last night in Twin Falls in what the AP called an 
‘unmarked’ Boeing 737.  Mr. Kerry must be ill or just severely tuckered, because it's 
a weird time to be taking off. In fact, any time is weird to take off in such a close 
race that's already going full-tilt.”

- Holman Jenkins, Political Diary, 3/18/04


“Spain, once the land of conquistadors and conquest, is now ground zero for gutless 
cowardice in the face of terror.”

- Columnist Michael Graham


“Another day, another bombing by Al-Qaeda.  A huge car bomb tore through Baghdad last 
night, killing 27 people.  And what was the target of the cowardly Islamic terrorists? 
A military installation?  A government office?  Some other military target?  Of course 
not, why it was an unguarded hotel filled with innocent civilians. . . . Those of you 
who think this election is about health care, jobs and other worthless political 
issues need to take note: Islamic terrorism is not going to go away, and we are 
next. . . .  If we don't continue cleaning house in the Middle East, this is going to 
keep happening. What's it going to take for the spineless weasels on the left to get 
that through their thick skull?”

- Talk-show host Neal Boortz


“That ultimatum (by President Bush for Saddam to leave Iraq or be forcibly removed) 
came one year ago today--twelve months in which Saddam went from palace, to bunker, to 
spider hole, to jail. A year ago, he was the all-powerful dictator of Iraq, 
controlling the lives and the future of almost 25 million people. Today, the people of 
Iraq know that the dictator and his sons will never torment them again. And we can be 
certain that they will never again threaten Iraq's neighbors or the United States of 
America. . . . Had the decision belonged to Sen. Kerry, Saddam Hussein would still be 
in power, today, in Iraq. In fact, Saddam Hussein would almost certainly still be in 
control of Kuwait.

“...On national security, the senator has shown at least one measure of consistency. 
Over the years, he has repeatedly voted against weapons systems for the military. He 
voted against the Apache helicopter, against the Tomahawk cruise missile, against even 
the Bradley Fighting Vehicle. He has also been a reliable vote against military pay 
increases--opposing them no fewer than 12 times.  Many of these very weapons systems 
have been used by our forces in Iraq and Afghanistan, and are proving to be valuable 
assets in the war on terror.”

- Vice President Dick Cheney at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library and Museum in 
Simi Valley, Calif., 3/17/04


“A day after Vice President Dick Cheney delivered a devastating attack on Sen. John 
Kerry's defense and national security records, Sen. John McCain is coming to Kerry's 
defense.  McCain told NBC Thursday morning that he doesn't believe that Kerry is 
‘necessarily weak on defense’ -- even though he says they disagree on some issues, 
according to the Associated Press.”

- NewsMax.com, 3/18/04


“The ad in USA Today wasn't headlined ‘For Blacks and Hispanics, These Kids Are Pretty 
Smart’ -- but it might as well have been. The full-page layout trumpeted the 32 
college students selected as finalists in the American Advertising Federation's annual 
‘Most Promising Minority Students Program.’ . . . Perhaps the 32 students hailed in 
the ad really are gifted whiz kids with a genius for advertising -- but when the 
competition excludes more than 70 percent of the field, how would one know? (According 
to the American Council on education, ‘students of color’ account for 28 percent of 
all undergraduates, and just 21.8 percent of all bachelor's degrees awarded.)”

- Boston Globe columnist Jeff Jacoby


“The folks on the Rhea County Commission in Tennessee have thought up a really ... umm 
... unique way to block gay marriage from spreading into their community. Their 
solution: criminalize homosexuality and so that they can ban homosexuals from even 
living in Rhea County.

“Commissioner J.C. Fugate proposed the resolution urging state lawmakers to introduce 
legislation amending Tennessee's criminal code so that Rhea County can charge 
homosexuals with ‘crimes against nature.’ Under Fugate's plan, gay persons could be 
both imprisoned for this criminal offense and barred from even living in the county 
itself because -- by their very nature -- homosexuals would all be deemed criminals. 
That, you see, would stop gay marriage from even reaching this area. ‘We need to keep 
them out of here ... I'd like to make [sure] that those kind of people cannot live in 
Rhea County or abide in Rhea County. If they're caught in Rhea County living together 
as such, they should be tried for crimes against nature,’ said Fugate.

“The resolution passed by an 8-0 vote. The commissioners later asked the County 
Attorney to ‘find the best way [now] to enact a local law banning homosexuals from 
living in Rhea County.’ Rhea County was the same jurisdiction that criminally 
prosecuted school teacher John Scopes in 1925 for teaching Darwin's theory of 
evolution -- an event the county celebrates each year with a festival.”

- Ron Gunzburger, Politics1, 3/18/04


Another member of the infamous political Kennedy Gang is under fire.  A staffer for 
former Maryland Lt. Gov. Kathleen Kennedy Townsend (D) stands accused of diverting a 
whopping $6.3 million taxpayer dollars into KKT’s failed 2002 gubernatorial campaign.  


New special report for candidates and party leaders:  “One-on-One Fundraising: How to 
Raise Major Money from Major Donors.”

You'll learn:  The six key rules to successful major donor fundraising, the two key 
groups novice candidates mistakenly turn to first which almost always lead to 
disappointment, the eleven traits of the typical conservative donor, the best and 
worst places to look for potential major donors, a dangerous legal trap your campaign 
better take steps to avoid, the two pieces of paper you must have before asking for 
your first major dollar, the Top Ten questions you better be prepared to answer from 
major donor prospects, the twelve most-common budget items for a typical campaign, an 
old salesman's rule that you should learn and perfect, how to overcome the biggest 
problem getting your foot in the door of Mr. Big, the single best use for a finance 
committee (Hint: it's NOT to raise money for you), the eight best types of people you 
want to have represented on your finance committee, the one thing you should always 
ask for AFTER you've gotten the donation and the single most important thing for you 
to NEVER forget.  All for just $4.95.

Go to:  http://chuckmuth.com/specialreports.htm

Chuck Muth’s News & Views is published by Citizen Outreach, a non-partisan, 501(c)3 
non-profit corporation. The opinions and views expressed in Chuck Muth's News & Views 
reflect those of the writers, editors and columnists therein and do not necessarily 
reflect the opinions of Citizen Outreach, its officers, directors or employees.

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Chuck Muth
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