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It’s no secret that Rep. Chris Cannon (R-Utah) ain’t exactly on my Christmas card list 
for personal reasons having to do with the fact that he’s a serial deadbeat who’s also 
a couple fries short of a Happy Meal...but the “Anybody But Cannon” club is spreading 
nationwide for a number of other reasons.  Chief among them is illegal immigration.  
See, Cannon has become The Amnesty King in Congress, pushing all kinds of amnesty 
legislation for illegal aliens.  And people who still think breaking the law ought to 
be punished rather than rewarded have him in their political crosshairs.

To make a long story short, the Utah GOP convention is this weekend.  They have an 
unusual way of nominating candidates there.  In a contested Republican race, if a 
candidate can nail down 60 percent of the vote by convention delegates, he or she 
doesn’t have to run in an open primary where ALL voters get to vote.  

Well, Cannon is facing a serious convention challenge by a former state legislator and 
all-around good conservative named Matt Throckmorton and another candidate I’m 
unfamiliar with.  And if the two of them can keep Cannon from reaching the 60 percent 
threshold at the convention, there’s a darn good shot of finally knocking this windbag 
out of office in a primary election later this summer.

Anyway, our friends over at RightMarch.com have put together a hard-hitting flyer they 
hope to hand out to convention delegates this weekend exposing Cannon’s pro-amnesty 
record and urging delegates to vote for one of the other two candidates.  And they 
need some emergency funding to get the flyers crash-printed, get activists to the 
convention and cover the expenses required to be allowed to get the flyers into the 
hands of the delegates.  

So if you want to help take out an eccentric pro-amnesty oddball in Congress and 
replace him with a level-headed, common-sense conservative, go to this website and get 
all the details on the RightMarch.com effort, as well as instructions on how you can 
make a quick contribution to the effort:


Chuck Muth

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