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[35] More Fergie on West Brom
Posted Monday, August 19, 2002 by db:
“I was tempted to put Paul Tierney on at left-back but one thing’s for sure, we can’t 
afford another injury in that area. I started with five in midfield because I wanted 
to get control in that area but I finished with 2-6-2, or something like that anyway.”

[34] McCarthy's ghost writer on Keano book
Posted Monday, August 19, 2002 by db:
Cathal Dervan

'Roy Keane's controversial autobiography that prompted a media storm last week is 
riddled with inaccuracies, according to his colleagues in the Republic of Ireland 

Keane: International outcast
(Photo/Reuters)The most shocking revelation was Keane's admission that a violent 
challenge on Manchester City's Alf-Inge Haaland was premeditated, for which club and 
player are preparing to sue. 

But many of Keane's accusations regarding the Irish team and their preparations 
contain basic errors. 

Keane claims the Irish team took no account of basic sports nutrition, allowing the 
players to dine on cheese sandwiches 24 hours before a crucial game. He describes his 
fury when he discovered there was no pasta before the team trained in the Amsterdam 
Arena on the night before a World Cup qualifier against Holland in September 2001. 

'We're playing f****** Holland tomorrow in a World Cup qualifier,' Keane recalls 
lambasting manager Mick McCarthy. 'Do you think Jimmy Floyd Hasselbaink is eating 
f****** cheese sandwiches or takeaway f****** pizza tonight?' 

Apart from the fact Hasselbaink was not in the squad, eye witnesses tell a different 
story. They claim Keane kicked a table in his fury and that the rest of team dined on 
pasta, chicken and fish while Keane sulked in his room eating pizza. 

'Roy is telling half-truths, not the full truth,' claims Ray Treacy, who makes the 
team's travel arrangements and is a former international, capped 46 times by the 

'The team stayed in the five-star Hilton Hotel. They had a buffet breakfast and a 
buffet lunch on the Friday and they went to bed for the afternoon ahead of the 
training session Roy refers to. 

'When they came down at 5pm, there were sandwiches and snacks laid on, purely in case 
anyone was peckish before they went to the ground. The team returned at 7.30 to a full 
dinner, with pasta, fish, chicken and meat. It's nonsense to suggest players were 
asked to eat cheese sandwiches alone on the night before the Holland game.' 

A member of McCarthy's back-room staff also disputes Keane's version. He said: 'I was 
in the room when Roy came in before we went training. He said: "Where's the pasta?" 
And Ian Evans, Mick's assistant, said "We ate it all". 

'Roy said: "What did you say?" And Ian repeated: "We ate it all". Then Roy kicked the 
table and stormed out. He went training and Mick approached him about it. Roy said he 
was making a point but when we got back to the hotel he ordered a pizza in his room 
and refused to eat with the others. They were stunned.' 

Keane's version of many events will be called into question when McCarthy and Niall 
Quinn publish books this autumn. 

Quinn is the subject of one of the more amusing alleged mistakes in Keane's testimony. 
Complaining about conditions on a flight from Cyprus to Barcelona during the 
qualifying campaign, Keane writes: 'Economy class with the big lads - Gary Breen, 
Derek Dunne, Quinny - squeezed up in small seats while the officials and their wives 
sat up the front.' 

Quinn was absent because of an injury. There were no FAI officials in business class 
because there were none on the charter aircraft. Derek Dunne, who played in the League 
of Ireland, was killed in an Amsterdam shoot-out a couple of years ago. Richard Dunne, 
now of Manchester City, was on the flight. 

'There were no business class seats because it was a chartered plane used for 
holiday-makers,' says Treacy, who booked the flight. 

A senior player, who was present in Saipan when Keane was banished from the World Cup, 
said: 'Roy is suffering from delusions on a number of fronts. He makes this bizarre 
claim that Mick accused him of feigning injury before the trip to Iran for the second 
leg of the World Cup play-off last November. That is just not true. 

'Mick never accused Roy of feigning injury although he did accuse him of picking and 
choosing his games. No one heard what Roy heard. It is the crux of his argument as to 
why he was right and Mick was wrong, but Mick never said it.' 

Other Keane claims about Saipan are also open to conjecture, including suggestions 
Ireland trained without proper gear. 

'That's a joke as well,' added a member of McCarthy's staff. 'We had enough gear with 
us to train and there were balls.' 

Treacy believes Keane misunder-stood the purpose of the visit to Saipan. He said: 'Roy 
was one of the main reasons we chose Saipan for the acclimatisation camp. The people 
there had no idea who he was. He was totally anonymous and that was a big attraction 
of the island. 

'Mick wanted somewhere the playerscouldrestand getusedtothe heat and humidity. Roy was 
able to walk around without anyone nagging him for an autograph or hassling him. But 
he has failed to realise that.' 

[34] More Wenger on Carini
Posted Monday, August 19, 2002 by db:
"Maybe you could see him somewhere else in the Premier League."

[33] West Brom no complaints on sending off
Posted Monday, August 19, 2002 by db:
Gary Megson

"You can't argue with it. A two-footed challenge is deemed a straight red card but it 
is the first day of the season and in future I would expect every two-footed tackle to 
be treated the same way, no matter which shirt the player is wearing."

[32] Gary Mabbutt on Keano
Posted Monday, August 19, 2002 by db:
"Roy Keane is a world-class player but he should let his football do the talking. At 
the moment he seems intent on courting controversy.  With the revelations he has come 
out with he will have lost a lot of respect from his fellow professionals. They have a 
certain code of conduct to uphold.  Players can't think they are beyond the laws of 
the land. There are certain egos and images to play up to but it is totally 
unacceptable to do that to another union member. I don't think there will be many 
players who will go around and do that sort of thing. Of course players have grudges 
against other people. Every single player has things done to them that they're going 
to remember, but they go out and get on top of an opponent rather than try to hurt 
him.  If every player tried to take retribution, we would never see a football match.  
It seems to have started when Keane got injured in a game and Haaland said he was 
faking it, which upset Keane.  What Keane could have done was to play!
 tough but fair whenever he faced Haaland, winning every tackle, dominating the game 
and then at the end, shaking hands with him after coming out on top.  If he had done 
that, people would have said it was the right thing to do and he would have gained 
respect for it. Haaland would have come out badly because of the allegations he made." 

[31] Will we bag Juve keeper now
Posted Monday, August 19, 2002 by db:
As Wenger gives up on signing him

"Fabian Carini on loan. It's over. We will look for somebody else and I will make a 
decision before the West Ham game next week.  We have a few players in mind but we 
don't want to speak about the names as it's too early."

[30] FA Chief on Keane book
Posted Monday, August 19, 2002 by db:
Adam Crozier

"It doesn't matter who the player is, what club they are, what league they perform in. 
If there's a charge to be answered, then a charge will be answered...the extracts  not 
pleasant reading. Unless there's something particularly different in the book, we will 
be taking a very close look at it."

[29] Keane talks straight
Posted Monday, August 19, 2002 by db:
"I have a perfectly clear frame of mind. I try to tell the truth and that is what I 
have done. I am not bothered about the headlines, I suggest you read the book. I feel 
better for the rest both mentally and physically. Hopefully I will see the benefit 
later on in the year."

[28] Ole on his 100th goal
Posted Monday, August 19, 2002 by db:
"I took my time because I was actually waiting for the referee to blow the whistle 
because I thought I might have been offside, but I wasn't so I took my chance and 
scored. I thought we showed a lot of character and that was something we lacked last 
year, when we didn't grind out results but this time we did. West Brom made it very 
difficult for us on Saturday, they were very sound defensively."

[27] Nice one Norway boss
Posted Monday, August 19, 2002 by db:
Ole to be rested for their friendlly on Wednesday.

[26] Bestie back in hospital
Posted Monday, August 19, 2002 by db:
A spokesman for the Cromwell Hospital

"George Best was re-admitted with a complication related to a local infection which is 
now under control and his condition is improving. He was admitted over the weekend and 
will remain in hospital for several more days."

[25] latest Keane extracts
Posted Monday, August 19, 2002 by db:
>From the book via the Times

AROUND THIS time, a friend of Kenny Dalglish’s contacted me to inform me that the 
Blackburn manager wanted to meet me. Alan Shearer had just rejected a move to Man 
United — from Southampton — to join Blackburn, whose drive for the Premier League 
title was being funded by Jack Walker. 

An arrangement was made to meet Dalglish and Ray Harford, the Blackburn coach, at 
David O’Leary’s house in Hertfordshire. They asked about my contractual situation at 
Forest. When I told them I had been offered a new contract, they urged me not to sign. 
And if I did sign, to make sure I inserted a clause that would allow me to leave 
Forest if they were relegated. It was made clear to me that Blackburn would be willing 
to pay a British transfer record of £3.5 million to close the deal. 

I knew “tapping” players in this way was against the rules, but par for the course in 
the game. I wasn’t entirely comfortable with the duplicity involved, but knowing there 
was an alternative to going down with Forest enabled me to negotiate from a position 
of strength. 

While Ron Fenton (Brian Clough’s No 2) and I talked, media speculation intensified. 
Brian Clough went public to accuse me of being “a greedy child”. Newspapers claimed 
that I was demanding £1 million over three years to commit myself to Forest. That 
figure was roughly correct. Through his intermediary, Dalglish had intimated that my 
wages at Blackburn would be £250,000 a year with a £500,000 signing-on fee. 

In the middle of yet another bout of negotiating Clough insisted: “Ron, give Roy what 
he wants.” The contract was drawn up with the get-out clause in place. I was delighted 
to sign a 3½-year contract, although in my bones I felt that I would probably never 
see it out. (Nottingham Forest were relegated and Clough resigned.) 

Frank Clark, appointed to succeed Clough, left the impression that, if any Premier 
League club was prepared to pay the right fee, Forest wouldn’t stand in my way if I 
wanted to move. We had an understanding. Now it was up to Blackburn. Dalglish moved 
quickly. After some haggling, a fee of £4 million was agreed. I was given permission 
to talk to Blackburn. The main issue in my discussions with them was wages. 

I’d heard that Shearer was on £500,000 a year, so that’s what I demanded. After some 
bargaining, I accepted their offer of £400,000 a year. Dalglish’s obvious intelligence 
and cool persona impressed me. Terms agreed, I was ready to sign. But when Dalglish 
phoned Ewood Park, the office staff had left for the weekend. “Don’t worry,” he said, 
“you can sign the forms on Monday.” We shook hands. 

I went home to Cork for the weekend and at lunchtime on the Sunday the phone rang. It 
was Alex Ferguson. 

“Roy, it’s Alex Ferguson here. Have you signed any forms?” “No, but I shook hands on 
the deal and I’m due to sign the forms tomorrow.” 

“Why don’t you come to Manchester and have a chat with me before you do anything?” 
Wow! Manchester United. The Premier League champions. My mam and dad, Hilary and my 
brothers are all standing in the hall looking at me. Like they’re in shock. My family 
were United daft. 

“Yes, but I have agreed the deal,” I tell Ferguson. 

“You’ve signed nothing. Come over for a chat.” 

>From that moment, I was never going to sign for any other club. In my heart of hearts 
>I knew I could never refuse to sign for the world’s most famous football club. 

Next morning I flew to Manchester. Ferguson met me at the airport. We drove to his 
home close by. Brian Kidd was there. After a meal and some general chat, Ferguson 
suggested we have a game of snooker. I thought it prudent to let him win. I liked him 
straight away. For a man managing Manchester United, he was unaffected, funny and 
reassuringly human. He was also clearly hungry for more trophies. There were a few 
obstacles to overcome before a deal could be done. We agreed that I would tell 
Dalglish our deal was off. 

I phoned Dalglish to tell him I’d changed my mind about joining Blackburn. He went 

“What the f*** do you mean?” I told him I’d talked to Ferguson. 

“We shook hands on a deal. You can’t back out now,” he screamed. 

“Look, I’m sorry, I really am,” I told him, “but I’ve got my future to think about, 
I’m entitled to that.” 

“You’re entitled to nothing except the commitment you made to me on Friday.” 

“I’m sorry, if you’d had the forms ready, I would have signed on Friday.” 

“Nobody does this to me, nobody does this to Kenny Dalglish. You’re a wee b*stard and 
you won’t get away with this.” Kenny wasn’t cool any longer. 

I felt very uneasy about the situation. But here was Kenny Dalglish insisting that I 
honour a deal I hadn’t signed. The same Kenny Dalglish who’d spent several months 
“tapping” me up behind Brian Clough’s back. The more he swore at me, the less my 
conscience bothered me. 

The next call I received was from Frank Clark. I confirmed that after talking to 
Ferguson I had changed my mind. Clark had also received a call from Ferguson. Unlike 
Blackburn, who were going to pay £4 million, United would only pay just over £3 
million. That was unacceptable, so Clark wanted me to sign for Dalglish in the 
interests of Forest. 

The next morning the phone rang at 6.30. I thought something was wrong at home in 
Cork. It was Dalglish. 

“You won’t get away with this,” he began. “Blackburn Rovers will sue you for every 
penny you’ve got.” He and Ferguson had never got on and this more than anything 
appeared to be bugging him. He called me names. He repeated that nobody “f*****” with 
Kenny Dalglish and “got away with it”. I told him I was going on holiday and that the 
matter was closed as far as I was concerned. 

“Where are you going?” he inquired. 

“Somewhere far away and sunny,” I replied. 

[24] Same old Wenger
Posted Monday, August 19, 2002 by db:
 "I did not see it from where I was sitting, but I could see that Cisse was late. I 
would have to see the TV replay before I decide. It was very difficult to have a good 
view of what happened."

[23] Fergie - Rio back for Chelsea
Posted Monday, August 19, 2002 by db:
 "The injuries have been a problem but hopefully Rio will be back this week, which 
will help, and Gary is about three weeks away. We are assessing the situation but the 
question is who do you go and buy to keep the strength of the squad up. The good 
players have all gone by now and this is totally the wrong time to be looking around."

[22] Watford want to keep Webber
Posted Monday, August 19, 2002 by db:
Who scored on Saturday

Watford boss Ray Lewington

"Maybe if I can catch Sir Alex at a weak moment, I can get Danny here on a permanent 
basis! Danny is a great lad, who's always on the move and has had a great football 
education at United. We know what he's capable of and we'd love to keep him here."

[21] Rio Ferdinand on Keane
Posted Monday, August 19, 2002 by db:
"Roy's brilliant. He's got the desire to win which is why he's captain of United. His 
desire shows on the pitch. You can really look up to him." 

[20] Keane after Saturday
Posted Monday, August 19, 2002 by db:
"It wasn't hard to concentrate - not one bit. I try to tell the truth and that's what 
I've done."

[19] Keano nearly joined Blackburn
Posted Monday, August 19, 2002 by db:
"Dalglish told me when I agreed to join them on the Friday 'Don't worry, you can sign 
the forms on Monday.' We shook hands. He went crazy (when I changed my mind). 'What 
the f*** do you mean? We shook hands on a deal. You can't back out now. Nobody does 
this to Kenny Dalglish. You're a wee b****** and you won't get away with this'."

[18] Gary Nev on back four
Posted Monday, August 19, 2002 by db:
"I am much happier talking about the signing of Rio Ferdinand, who is a fantastic 
addition to the squad. What stood out for me was listening to him at the press 
conference just after he had signed. He said that when he finished his career he 
wanted to be able to talk about what he had done and not what he had missed out on. I 
don’t think he could have forgiven himself if he had not signed for United. 

That is not me being big-headed about the club I play for. Leeds United are a big club 
themselves, but, if you have played at Old Trafford and won trophies here, you truly 
believe that there can be no greater place in the world. It took courage for Rio to 
say that he wanted to leave Leeds to further himself, but he would have regretted it, 
possibly for the rest of his career, if he had not taken that step. 

I rate him as the best centre half in the country and I don’t think anyone could 
disagree after his performances for England at the World Cup finals. Before long, I 
expect him to be the best defender in the world, but that does not mean that we can 
look to him to solve the defensive problems of last season. Quite the opposite. It is 
up to those of us who have been at the club for a few years to help him to settle in 
rather than waiting for him to put it all right. 

We cannot afford those same mistakes. At the beginning of last season we were 
champions and had just spent almost £50 million on two new players. I think the whole 
country thought we would retain our title and maybe we began to think it would be 
easy. It never is. 

The last time United went two years without winning the title it was as part of a 
26-year barren streak. There will be plenty of people hoping that another era has come 
to an end. We are the ones who have to catch up with Arsenal and Liverpool and 
Wednesday’s defeat in Europe was not a convincing way to start the campaign. But I 
still believe that we lost the championship last season as much as Arsenal winning it. 
It is up to us to prove that, starting today."

[17] Gary Nev on Keano book
Posted Monday, August 19, 2002 by db:
"We are the team with so much to prove and each individual has to rise to that 
challenge. Roy Keane has said that a few times and it seems to shock people, but I 
don’t see how you can disagree with him. As captain, he has a right to make those 

I know Roy is in the headlines with his autobiography, but I will not comment on the 
rest of the contents until I have read it, which I plan to do at the earliest 
opportunity because I like the guy, share a dressing-room with him and would be 
interested to read about his past. 

I would prefer to read the whole book rather than rely purely on the serialisation 
because I know from experience how certain chapters can be distorted in short form. 

>From the newspaper serialisation of Jaap Stam’s book, you would have thought that he 
>had a serious problem with me and my brother, Phil. When you read the whole page in 
>the book, you realised that he had actually been quite affectionate. "

[16] Gary Nev on his injury
Posted Monday, August 19, 2002 by db:
"Contrary to some reports, I have not suffered a setback in my recovery from a broken 
foot. There has been some stiffness and discomfort there, which is only natural when 
you have not put weight on a foot for three months, but I hope to be running properly 
by the end of next week and to play a reserve game the week after. If everything goes 
well, I would hope to be back in action soon after the international on September 7. 

With no involvement in any of the pre-season tours or in first-team training, I am a 
little detached from the preparations, but I share the determination in the club to 
show that, well as Arsenal played last season, we could have pipped them if we had 
performed to our potential and to the standards of the past few years. "

[15] Becks airport row
Posted Monday, August 19, 2002 by db:
>From the SUN

' DAVID BECKHAM was sworn at and accused of being more committed to England than his 
club in a furious confrontation with Manchester United fans.  Beckham and his United 
team-mates were abused at Budapest airport on Wednesday night after their 1-0 defeat 
to Zalaegerszeg. Fans began chanting 'It's just like watching City' as the team headed 
to the departure lounge for their flight home following the first leg of the Champions 
League qualifier. Then one supporter went up to Becks and said 'You play better for 
England than United'. Beckham went after the fan but was stopped when another told the 
England skipper to 'f*** off'. He immediately returned to his team-mates, clearly 
angered by the bust-up.  One fan said: "Everyone was upset by the performance they had 
put on. "Emotions were running high and Beckham was obviously furious at the 
suggestion he gives more for his country than United. "All credit to him for standing 
up for himself. But the fans were not backing down and one !
told him where to go."

[14] Red News t-shirts
Posted Monday, August 19, 2002 by db:
The shirts - in X Large only - cost just £12.50 inc p&p in the UK you can order by 
sending a cheque to Red News, P.O.Box 176, Manchester, M16 8LG or for £14 inc p&p for 
the rest of the world.

Alternatively you can order by credit card any one or any number of the shirts via the 
fast and secure paypal. 

Just make sure you enter the correct product code for each shirt (listed on the shop 
part of the site) when ordering. For the UK click on

For the Rest of the World Click on

[13] International players who may play on Friday
Posted Monday, August 19, 2002 by db:
after playing on Wednesday for their country.

Ruud, Silvestre and Ole. Desailly, Petit, Gudjohnsen, Gronkjaer, Stanic.

[12] Cascarino has pop at Keane book
Posted Monday, August 19, 2002 by db:
Tony Cascarino 

"People have lost a little bit of respect for him and that can be a problem. I can't 
believe Ferguson has not stepped in and said 'enough is enough' on the book story. He 
should have told him 'At the end of the day you are captain of Manchester United and 
we need the best out of you every week. Don't keep putting hurdles in front of us'. 
That's where I can't understand Ferguson - he has defended Roy. Mick McCarthy bent 
over backwards for Keane and I was witness to that. That actually made Roy worse. He 
actually went more anti-Mick as he thought he was licking up to him. I really believe 
Roy didn't read the story before it was released. I think it (the book) is Eamonn 
Dunphy through and through. He is well known in Ireland. Roy's given him a few 
interviews and let Eamonn get on with it and there has been an explosion. It always 
seems to be pro-Manchester United and anti-Ireland. Roy is a shrewd guy, he is not 
stupid by any means. But he has not gone and done what he should have!
 done and that is go through the story with a fine toothcomb. You don't do it while 
still playing as you are making yourself more enemies. It is hard enough playing the 
game and trying to get the results. He will have riled a lot of players."

[11] Rift in dressing room over Keane book?
Posted Monday, August 19, 2002 by db:
According to the Sunday Mirror, wh o quoted a 'United insider: "This is a public and 
unprovoked attack on some of his own team-mates. His comments are extremely damaging 
and although he has been clever not to name players, most of them know who he is 
referring to. It's not the first time he's had issues with other players and aired 
them in public."

[10] Rennes not happy with £2m bid for Escude
Posted Monday, August 19, 2002 by db:
Rennes president Emmanuel Cueff

"The offer that Manchester United made to us is almost insulting considering what they 
are capable of paying for Rio Ferdinand. Julien should devote himself to us for 
another year. I would like him to become a real key member of the first team. He is 
about to become a shining and talented member of the squad. Staying one more year in 
Rennes is not depreciating nor shameful. Julien is a reasonable guy, he is a 
professional, and he will at some point come back to his senses"

[9] Keano's ghost writer on Haaland tackle
Posted Monday, August 19, 2002 by db:
Comparing it to Gerrard's tackle on Vieira last week.

"What did Gerrard say? That he was trying to make an impression on the game. That is 
the way the game is. And now they want to crucify Roy."

[8] Fergie on West Brom
Posted Monday, August 19, 2002 by db:
"Because of what happened last Wednesday, it was vital to bounce back. Manchester 
United are famous for their fighting spirit and we have shown those qualities against 
West Brom. That doesn't necessarily mean you are going to win, but at the end I 
thought it was worth taking the risk by pulling both the full-backs off. There are no 
pretensions to the way West Brom play. They are there to survive. It is not pretty, 
but it is hard to overcome. They may play like that in a lot of away games and if they 
do, some people are going to get a shock."

RN comment: And the sight of nearly all their supporters mimicking aeroplanes was 

[7] Fergie on Ole
Posted Monday, August 19, 2002 by db:
"Ole is a fantastic player and a marvellous professional. He always assesses what is 
happening round the field and to score 100 goals is a fantastic achievement 
considering he has spent so much time on the bench."

[6] Order a RN sub online
Posted Monday, August 19, 2002 by db:
Thanks to our new link with the safe, simple to use and world wide massively known 
paypal you can now order your 10 issue subscription to Red News the fanzine via credit 
card payment, ordering online from wherever you live in the world, getting the mag to 
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And those philanthropists out there can help with our costs by making an online 
donation via paypal. Doesn't matter how small the amount is, every bit helps with the 
costs of the site - thanks. click on. 


[5] Raimond Van Der Gouw on Keano
Posted Monday, August 19, 2002 by db:
"I am not worried about him at all. It's not the first time he's got in to problems 
and every time he's come back. He's big enough and strong enough to cope with this. 
He's such a character. May be he will come back even stronger next season, we'll have 
to see. Roy's such an influential figure and I have the same respect for him as 
everyone else. People should concentrate on football and stop writing about players' 
private lives and their books."

[4] Giggs out
Posted Monday, August 19, 2002 by db:
Giggs has pulled out of the Wales squad for their friendly on Wednesday. Hardly a 

[3] Division Two memories
Posted Monday, August 19, 2002 by db:
We're looking for your great and unique memories from the 2nd Division season. If you 
have short tales from that year - whether it be the season itself, specific games, at 
Old Trafford or places like Millwall and Blackpool send them in. The games, the 
memories, the craic, anything and everything - we're after your tales. Send to 

[2] Your encounters with United players...
Posted Monday, August 19, 2002 by db:
Any funny/serious/bizarre encounters with United players past or present - any 
memories at all you think our readers would be interested in send them to 

Posted Monday, August 19, 2002 by redend:

Not for the first time, the Plypin finds inspiration for a considered opinion piece 
(rant), in the form of matchday apparel ....

I don't expect everyone to share - even understand - my matchday routines, although 
Walking The Winning Ways once more proved their worth in a lacklustre perfomance 
against the 10 man baggies. Another foible is to be dressed head to foot in either Red 
White or Black, depending upon which T shirt l happen to have bought outside the 
I have complained bitterly about Georgie before, but she's a girly and from darf sarf 
- so probably does not know any better. Yesterday, I had several of those moments 
similar to Tom and Jerry when they can't believe what they see. I thought that the 
world had gone totally MAD, and that my team now hailed from the wrong side of 
Manchester. In my day, it was `If you see any blue sh1t....', but if I'd followed this 
advice, I'd never have made it back down the 98 steps.
I even had to slam 'Twatengine' for having the temerity to be seen in public in a 
loser blue and white ensemble.

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