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[29] Fergie on Rio
Posted Wednesday, August 21, 2002 by db:
"He may make Friday"

[28] FA deny decision has been made
Posted Wednesday, August 21, 2002 by db:
FA spokesman Adrian Bevington

"The situation has not changed at all. We are waiting for the book to be published 
before making any decision. It would be pure guesswork to predict any possible ban and 
the newspapers which ran these stories were told that on Tuesday. The papers are 
getting ahead of themselves."

[27] David Meek on Keano and Fergie
Posted Wednesday, August 21, 2002 by db:
>From the official site

"For others, and you can include his manager in this, Roy Keane’s book is yet  another 
example of a player prepared to be totally honest and yes, in your  face, with 
everything he does. Not for this Irishman the platitudes and blandness of many a 
footballer’s  autobiography, he tells it as he sees it, and his ghost, Eamon Dunphy, 
is  not one to steer him down the road of diplomacy either. But though Roy effectively 
swung the media spotlight away from David  Beckham’s metatarsal, thank heavens, United 
have also found themselves in  the firing line for a fumbling start to the season in 
terms of their  football...

I expected to find the manager if not depressed and irritable at least  worried and 
maybe withdrawn. I should have known better because when I spoke to him this week he 
was  displaying the kind of energy and gusto you would associate with a young  manager 
just starting out on his career.

He explained that the secret of success is to relish and enjoy the challenge  when 
things are going against you as much as when you are sweeping all  before you.

Or as he put it: “The trick is to continue to love the game despite the  inevitable 
set-backs. A team that does not enjoy playing is not going to  succeed.”

When I talked to him he shrugged off the criticism and simply said: “Losing  in 
Budapest was a shock for us and naturally our critics and the Press had a  field day. 
The players shouldn’t be too surprised at that because though the  media give them a 
lot of blarney when things are going well they don’t  hesitate to lay into them when 
they fall short. There’s nothing unusual in that because when you are the biggest it 
is  something that goes with the territory and when you don’t live up to  expectations 
you can expect a rough ride. The way ahead of us is to make sure we live up to the 
standards we have set  ourselves and that way we take ourselves out of the firing 
line. The Press  won’t change and it is up to us to toughen up and make the critics 
eat their  words.

“I think we took an important step along the road to recovery after 
Zalaegerszeg when we won our opening Premiership match against West Bromwich  Albion. 
I know we weren’t brilliant and we had to wait awhile for our 1-0  win but I never 
anticipated an easy match.

“The marvellous strike by Ole Solskjaer that won the game was worth waiting  for and 
it was worthy of it being his hundredth for United.

“When he got the ball I was screaming for him to shoot, but he took his  time, 
measured it and gave us three points. That’s the measure of a great  striker and Ole 
certainly falls into that category.”

[26] Nice one Ronny
Posted Wednesday, August 21, 2002 by db:
Sam Allardyce

"Ronny Johnsen turned us down about six weeks ago. He felt he could get a better deal 
somewhere else. We obviously weren't that concerned about his injury problems, 
although it is always a concern. By the same token, if we get a Premiership player of 
first-team standard, we wouldn't always get the perfect option as it could prove too 

[25] Gullit on Becks
Posted Wednesday, August 21, 2002 by db:
Ruud Gullit 

"Beckham needs to play on the right because that's the postion where he can do most 
damage. He is a right-winger not a central midfielder. Alex Ferguson has put him in 
the middle for United occasionally but that's not his strength. If you're his coach, 
you want to bring the best out of him and there isn't a player on the planet who can 
cross a ball like he can. Every player has to look for his own identity, to do what is 
best for him and the team."

[24] Gary Nev delays testimonial
Posted Wednesday, August 21, 2002 by db:
Neville Neville

"Gary has been with the club since he was 10-years-old and signed professionally when 
he was 17. We did turn down the opportunity of a testimonial this year.We believe that 
the testimonial should come at the end of his career, preferably with Manchester 
United. Gary has five years of a six year contract to run and by then he'll be 31 and 
will have spent more than 20 years attached to the club. We have talked about this and 
Gary would like to do something for the supporters with money raised by a testimonial. 
Both my sons have received tremendous loyal support from United fans. We would like to 
provide some kind of facility which would benefit the fans on match days. We don't 
know exactly what because it is not relevant yet as any testimonial would not take 
place for four or five years. Obviously we would also have to discuss the idea with 
the club.''

[23] Chelsea's ticket price structure
Posted Wednesday, August 21, 2002 by db:
Posted by Mark on the IMUSA list

'According to the Chelsea website cat A is £40 cat B is £30

Although interestingly if your a member at Chelsea and the away section does not sell 
out you can get a ticket for it for £35 cat A and £30 cat B.

Cat A Fixtures (£40) : Arsenal, Birmingham City, Fulham, Leeds Utd, Man City, Man Utd, 
Newcastle, Liverpool, Spurs, West Ham 

Cat B Fixtures (£30) : Aston Villa, Blackburn Rovers, Bolton Wanderers, Charlton 
Athletic, Everton, Middlesbrough, Southampton, Sunderland, West Bromwich Albion 

City having to pay £40 as well, are you having a laugh (well they wanted to be a 
massive club).

[22] Reserves live tonight
Posted Wednesday, August 21, 2002 by db:
Playing West Brom at Old Trafford, £2 to get in, live on MUTV

[21] IMUSA on Friday night game
Posted Wednesday, August 21, 2002 by db:
"This is a real slap in the face for our travelling support. We were expecting to get 
messed around as usual this season but when the decision to switch the game was made, 
IMUSA made several submissions attempting to get the decision reversed. As is often 
the case, our pleas fell on deaf ears. We are told this will be a one-off, well why 
can't it work in our favour for a change? Why can't BSkyB just decide to screen 
another match, so that, just as a one-off, it's not the fans who are inconvenienced?"

[20] DVD: Manchester United - End Of Season Review 2001/2002
Posted Wednesday, August 21, 2002 by redend:

Start you pre-season tour here with a review of the last one. OK so we won F.A. but 
your not a glory hunter are you? This new DVD covers all the games and goals ... and 
there were a few to make your Ja(a)p's eye weep. 

Check http://www.rednews.co.uk to view the image which has been removed from plain 
text email version of news 
   1 DVD  http://www.blackstar.co.uk/scp/id/rednews/video/item/7000000070317  
Manchester United - End Of Season Review 2001/2002 (DVD) (2002)

 During the 01/02 season, Manchester United signed Ruud van Nistelrooy, Juan Sebastian 
Veron, Laurent Blanc, Diego Forlan and Roy Carroll. Ryan Giggs, Roy Keane and Paul 
Scholes all signed new long term contracts, but the club's biggest signing was to 
retain the services of Sir Alex Ferguson. This season review contains all the goals, 
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DVD EXTRAS: Guided tour of Old Trafford. Secret peak at training session at 
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 DVD Price: £ 18.99 
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[19] Have you met a United player?
Posted Wednesday, August 21, 2002 by db:
And if so and you have any funny/serious/bizarre encounters with United players past 
or present - any memories at all you think our readers would be interested in send 
them to [EMAIL PROTECTED] Thanks

[18] city carry on with law suit
Posted Wednesday, August 21, 2002 by db:
According to the Telegraph

'Manchester City have attacked claims that they have backed down on their legal action 
against Manchester United and confirmed they will support midfielder Alf-Inge Haaland 
in his compensation case against Roy Keane.

City had reportedly been told by specialist lawyers that the case, which surrounds 
Keane's infamous challenge on Haaland in April 2001, was a lost cause and that they 
risked humiliation by pressing the claim in court.

However, a source at the club yesterday confirmed that City have not yet appointed a 
firm of solicitors to represent them in the action and therefore had certainly not 
taken any outside advice that they should drop the case.

"To suggest that we would back down after deciding to go ahead with the case is 
nonsense," said the source. "We have not been advised by our lawyers not to go ahead 
simply because we haven't yet taken that step of selecting a leading law firm."

[17] Ole the tipster
Posted Wednesday, August 21, 2002 by db:
"I still believe West Ham will do well this year. There is always one team that 
surprises everyone. Newcastle did it last year and I remember Wimbledon doing the same 
thing a few years back. What happened last year has taught us that our rivals have 
improved. We have advanced too but even in Hungary we were reminded that you can't 
stroll through any games at this level. You can't live in the past and we have to be 
fully focused on every game."

[16] Ole on New Number Two
Posted Wednesday, August 21, 2002 by db:
 "Football is never going to be reinvented but you can always alter a few small 
details. Carlos is looking at the club from the outside and I'm sure there are a few 
points he has spoken to the
manager about.  He brought in some new ideas on the training ground and pre-season was 
really good. Now we have to carry that on. I just want to try and give something to 
the team. You are always going to approach different games with different tactics and 
Ryan is quite effective down the middle, so that suits us fine.  The overall aim is to 
lift that Premier League trophy in front of our own fans in May. That's what we are 
all trying to achieve."

[15] Gary Nev backs Keano
Posted Wednesday, August 21, 2002 by db:
"No way will it affect Roy. He moves on from one day to the next and whatever comes 
his way he takes it in his stride.  He goes out three o'clock on a Saturday afternoon 
and is focused on what he wants to do."

[14] FAI to work slowly
Posted Wednesday, August 21, 2002 by db:
FAI general secretary Brendan Menton

"We are not just going to follow what happens in Italy or England. Culturally we do 
things our own way but we are as professional as everyone else. I do not see this 
review as something which puts a ring-fence round the team. What happened with Roy was 
a key element of deciding to have a review but we are trying to look beyond that now. 
We didn't get involved during the depth of the crisis because we felt it would have 
only escalated the problem.  We are prepared to defend ourselves but this process 
would welcome any valid criticism providing it contributes to the overall debate."

[13] Rennes still say no deal
Posted Wednesday, August 21, 2002 by db:
Rennes spokesman Jérôme Poupard

"Julien's had an unfortunate accident and injured his left knee but it's nothing too 
serious and we hope he will be all right in two or three weeks. This makes no 
difference at all to our plans. Julien is a Rennes player and we hope that he will 
remain so, though maybe it will make a difference to Manchester United's plans.  There 
is no question of him being allowed to leave, whether he likes it or not. We had a 
meeting with them on August 11 and there is another meeting planned for this Sunday. 
We have had no contact from them since the first meeting, although we know United have 
been in contact with the player again, which it seems we can do nothing about."

[12] More Escude quotes
Posted Wednesday, August 21, 2002 by db:
"I was walking the dog and I slipped on the curb and hurt my left knee. I've strained 
one of the ligaments in the knee; I've got a splint on it and I will have to use 
crutches for three or four days.  I'm having anti-inflammatory drugs to try and reduce 
the swelling but I think it will take about three weeks to recover. I hope it doesn't 
bring my transfer into question. It's not too serious and I will recover fully but 
it's really infuriating. I really didn't need this."

[11] Two week delay
Posted Wednesday, August 21, 2002 by db:
Is what the Italian clubs voted for to delay their start of season in the continuing 
row with the TV companies over rights.

[10] FAI admit mistakes
Posted Wednesday, August 21, 2002 by db:
>From the Guardian

'Roy Keane's grievances about the Republic's World Cup preparations will result in 
significant changes after the Football Association of Ireland admitted for the first 
time that it had made serious errors of judgment before and during the summer 

An independent inquiry commissioned by the FAI to investigate the circumstances 
surrounding Keane's walk-out from the squad will recommend that the association adopts 
a more professional approach. The general secretary Brendan Menton is likely to be 
heavily criticised and, as the FAI's highest-ranking official, may find his position 
under increasing scrutiny. 

Keane had been scathing about the training facilities on Saipan, the Pacific island 
where the players were based before the tournament, and accused the FAI of undermining 
their chances, saying it was like "playing for the Dog and Duck". 

Declan Conroy, speaking before this evening's friendly with Finland, said: "We have to 
hold up our hands and say we got things wrong."

[9] Kanchelskis eyes Soton loan move
Posted Wednesday, August 21, 2002 by db:
"I have happy memories of my time in English football and I would love to come back.  
Gordon Strachan invited me to train with the club and hopefully something more 
permanent can be sorted out."

[8] Escude on his injury
Posted Wednesday, August 21, 2002 by db:
Scuppering any transfer after twisting left knee whilst walking his dog

"It was a complete surprise and has come at the wrong time.  I will be on crutches for 
a few days and the doctor thinks I have strained ligaments and could be out for around 
four weeks."

[7] Keane to get ban
Posted Wednesday, August 21, 2002 by db:
So reckons the SUN, extract below:

' ROY KEANE is facing a ban for admitting he deliberately fouled Alf-Inge Haaland. 

The FA will charge Keane with misconduct as soon as the player's controversial 
autobiography goes on sale in a fortnight. 

And, in a bid to send out a strong message to the rest of football, they intend to 
impose a ban on Manchester United's captain rather than a fine. 

Keane could be out for around four games to match the original punishment for the 

He was given a three-match ban for violent conduct for the foul on Haaland, in April 
2001, and he landed a further one-game ban as it was his second red card of the 

While the foul itself cannot be dealt with again, the FA take a dim view of what they 
see as glorifying the incident in his book. 

They are also unhappy the publicity will help sales of the autobiography. 

The FA are waiting to charge Keane only because they have not seen the article 
themselves and have had to rely on the serialisation. But, as long as what they have 
already read is there, the player will be charged and a date fixed for the case to be 

[6] O'Leary harps on beyond Elland Road
Posted Wednesday, August 21, 2002 by db:
"Leeds need to stay out of the papers. I raised the profile of the club that made  us 
attractive and we were going along very well until a certain incident came along two 
years into my reign and the club changed into so many other different things. I think 
we would have won the league only for that [the court case]. We led the league two  
years back up to March and then ran out of steam, getting involved in a UEFA Cup 
semi-final. With this (the court case) out of the way they will get a good run and I 
think they will finish third. Last year we were as good as anyone. We led the league 
at Christmas so the squad is good enough even without Rio. Arsenal and Manchester 
United will be very strong but I think they can beat Liverpool and finish third"

[5] Your 2nd Division memories
Posted Wednesday, August 21, 2002 by db:
We're looking for your great and unique memories from the 2nd Division season. If you 
have short tales from that year - whether it be the season itself, specific games, at 
Old Trafford or places like Millwall and Blackpool send them in. The games, the 
memories, the craic, anything and everything - we're after your tales. Send to 

[4] Order a Red News subscription online
Posted Wednesday, August 21, 2002 by db:
Thanks to our new link with the safe, simple to use and world wide massively known 
paypal you can now order your 10 issue subscription to Red News the fanzine via credit 
card payment, ordering online from wherever you live in the world, getting the mag to 
your door.

To order the 10 issue sub to be sent to a UK address click on


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And those philanthropists out there can help with our costs by making an online 
donation via paypal. Doesn't matter how small the amount is, every bit helps with the 
costs of the site - thanks. click on. 


[3] At last some sense
Posted Wednesday, August 21, 2002 by db:
Republic of Ireland's Kenny Cunningham
"It would be ridiculous to say we are stronger without Roy Keane. He was our captain 
and still is world-class. I have been fortunate enough to spend some time with him 
over the years and I found him a fascinating and intelligent man. He demands high 
standards of himself and those around him - that is what has made him a winner. I 
haven't read too much of what has been in the papers but after everything he has done, 
I would be lacking in respect if I didn't say I was interested in what he has to say. 
I won't be camping outside WH Smiths to get a copy but I will read it - maybe he 
should send a few free copies to the lads."

[2] Just our luck
Posted Wednesday, August 21, 2002 by db:
Escude hurt walking his dog according to planetfootball.com - He's out for 3 weeks

[1] It's your Red News remember
Posted Wednesday, August 21, 2002 by db:
If you have any articles/graphics or letters for the next Red News, keep them coming 
to [EMAIL PROTECTED] If you have ideas for graphics or articles for that matter, 
keep them coming too.

[32] Fergie on start to the season
Posted Tuesday, August 20, 2002 by db:
“Last season we started the term against new boys Fulham and we conceded two goals but 
won 3-2. The Press immediately homed in on our defence. I think it is better at this 
stage this year to be winning 1-0 than 3-2 because if we lose goals then the critics 
will be saying it is our defence again. The goals will come. There’ll be no problem 
about that. We are creating chances and that is the main thing. Goals will always 
follow if you create the opportunities. We made five clear one-versus-ones in the 
match against West Brom and we had five other good chances. The opportunities were 
there. It was a steady performance and we kept our patience. When we started to gamble 
we were creating chances all over the place. They’ll go in eventually. I played three 
in the centre of midfield because we wanted to make sure we didn’t allow them into the 
game and we controlled possession. West Brom will be a difficult side to break down at 
times this season. They had 27 clean sheets last year an!
d won 12 matches 1-0.”

[31] Barthez nearly fit
Posted Tuesday, August 20, 2002 by db:

"Fabien won’t be fit for Friday at Chelsea but maybe OK for Tuesday against 
Zalaegerszegi. He is doing his training and we are quite hopeful."

[30] United youngster on Scotland choice
Posted Tuesday, August 20, 2002 by db:
Darren Fletcher when Keane tried to get him to choose Ireland

"I told Roy face to face. He gave me the option. He said it was up to me, Ireland were 
interested. But he said `make your own decision' - which was good of him! Roy and Sir 
Alex used to kid each other on. One would say I was going to play for Ireland, the 
other said it would be Scotland. It was always good banter."

[29] Mellor on Fergie
Posted Tuesday, August 20, 2002 by db:
"The moment I dread. Prediction time. And here goes. Sir Alex Ferguson has had a busy 
summer. Talking mainly - Rio apart. 

Will Ferdinand make that much difference? Some, but I suggest not enough. Several 
pundits see Fergie's motormouth as an indication of resolve to sweep all before him 
this season. 

They may be right, but I prefer to believe the old boy's lost it and all the verbals 
are just a desperate attempt to cover that sad fact up. 

But of course you don't have to say a lot to set yourself one hell of a task. Arsene 
Wenger did that when he talked of a new order in football. Arsenal haven't won two in 
a row since Herbert Chapman. 

I still fancy their chances, though much will depend on whether even their talented 
midfield can withstand the long-term losses of Robert Pires and Freddie Ljungberg"

[28] David Mellor on Keane
Posted Tuesday, August 20, 2002 by db:
"Before you knock Roy Keane remember he has to be given an A for honesty as well as an 
A* for villainy for admitting he went out to get Alf-Inge Haaland. 

Players do that every week. But they never own up, and they usually get away with it 
because the Football Association's disciplinary system is far better at nailing a bit 
of backchat to a fourth official than a serious piece of grievous bodily harm. 

Keane has written an honest autobiography. Let's at least praise him for that. Aren't 
you sick of all the guff we get palmed off with elsewhere? However, his candour has 
thrown down a gauntlet to the authorities that they can't ignore. 

As things stand, Keane is a three-time winner: for the attack on Haaland which he is 
chuffed to bits about, for the limited penalty he got for it and for the big money he 
has made from serialisation rights based on sensational revelations. 

The issue then is a simple one: should a star footballer get away with admitting an 
assault which would have landed him before the magistrates if it had happened outside 
the Dog and Duck on a Friday night? 

Besides, all football fans, not just Manchester United supporters, should feel peeved 
you can pay a bloke £70,000 a week to kick a ball around, but he'd still rather kick 
an opponent and to hell with the consequences for the team. 

There could even be a case for the police to have a look at this one. Far better than 
ludicrously investigating Trevor Francis for cuffing substitute goalkeeper Alex 
Kolinko for laughing when Crystal Palace conceded a goal against Bradford on Tuesday. 

Without wanting every manager to be like Brian Clough, at least as described in Roy's 
magnum opus, you can't take the physical out of football completely. 

There's every reason for the FA to take up the cudgels, though their weasel words 
about waiting for the book to come out to see the whole picture hardly inspires 

Making an example of Keane would be a strong demonstration of a proper resolve to 
clean up the game. But make no mistake, Keane is being punished for his honesty not 
his brutality. Others equally culpable will continue to escape unpunished because 
they'll never let on. 

Keane's honesty also hits a bull'seye with his suggestion that too many players are 
more obsessed by "Rolexs, cars and mansions" than trophies. 

David Beckham didn't like that. Well, he wouldn't would he? But Keane is nearer the 
mark than Sven-Goran Eriksson as to why England didn't "

[27] Sven's quotes come from...
Posted Tuesday, August 20, 2002 by db:
a new book on him. Below from the Mirror

'Eriksson's views on where he would get the best from Beckham are revealed in a new 
Swedish biography of the coach entitled Sfinxen fran Torsby, which translates as The 
Sphinx from Torsby. In it, Eriksson says he believes he has a "special" relationship 
with the player. The book also suggests Eriksson does not have a warm relationship 
with Ferguson, and that his decision to stay for three more years at United was made 
because the Old Trafford board had targeted the Swede as his successor.'

[26] Press release
Posted Tuesday, August 20, 2002 by db:

Calling all Rio Ferdinand and Paul Scholes fans.  Now you can own a pair of shoes worn 
and donated to LEPRA by Rio and Paul.

Over fifty celebrities including Rio Ferdinand and Paul Scholes have donated a 
stunning selection of shoes to help British charity LEPRA.  Now fans worldwide will 
have the unique opportunity to become the proud owners of their favourite stars' 
footwear when a unique internet auction starts on www.eBay.co.uk on 8th November.

The stunning collection of famous footwear has been brought together by LEPRA, The 
British Leprosy Relief Association, to help raise awareness of the disease and funds 
for the charity.  Even though leprosy is curable, there are still over 700,000 people 
diagnosed with the disease every year.

Rio Ferdinand has donated a pair of Nike Air Zoom Total 90 football boots worn by Rio 
and signed by him too. Each tongue bears the simple inscription, 'Rio'. These boots 
were donated to LEPRA at the close of the 2000/1 English Premier league season and 
were possibly the last pair he wore whilst playing
for Leeds. Also accompanying this lot is a letter from the then Leeds Manager, David 
O'Leary, responding to LEPRA's request. Paul Scholes has donated a pair of still 
muddied, Nike Air Zoom Total 90 football boots, donated by the Manchester United and 
England midfielder. These size 8 boots are unsigned but authenticated by Nike.  
Bidding starts at just £1.

To view the full collection of shoes on offer, visit

www.lepra.org.uk/shoeauction then click on the link to eBay to register. Remember, the 
auction starts on 8th November 2002.  Make a date and support our work.  Good luck.

[25] Crespo linked again
Posted Tuesday, August 20, 2002 by db:
from tribalfootball

'Lazio president Sergio Cragnotti is again offering Argentine duo Hernan Crespo and 
Juan Pablo Sorin to Premiership clubs. According to Italian reports, Crespo is being 
offered to Manchester United - who have so far baulked at the player's £60,000-a-week 
wage demands.'

[24] Gary Nev to start reserve match
Posted Tuesday, August 20, 2002 by db:
"I'm hopefully going to play in a reserve team game next week, another a week later 
and maybe then look to be part of the first team. I would hope to be ready for 
selection in around two or three weeks."

[23] Lee Sharpe eyes foreign move
Posted Tuesday, August 20, 2002 by db:
"Exeter know I have got irons in the fire as to going abroad and that is something I 
want to pursue. They are quite prepared to let me go if anything comes up and it is a 
sort of pay-as-you-play arrangement that we have gone into and I am happy to be 
involved and be playing."

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