A long time ago I tried to pull a SMDSY out of a Lowes parking lot.
My brain hadn't registered him as a vehicle and I saw how fast he was
going and how close he was after I'd pulled into the lane.

The only thing that's effective in my opinion (aside from wearing a
bunch of blinking warning lig hts) in avoiding lane change collisions
is keeping a close eye on drivers around you and always having an
escape route.  If there is another car close or coming up my fingers
are resting on the brake, my thumb is on the horn, I have a route in
mind if I have to abandon the lane, and I watch him carefully from my
mirror to the corner of my eye til he's clear. That and leaving plenty
of room has saved me several times.  I watch videos of people
commuting in California highway traffic and it just scares me to
death, there is no where to go and every single driver doesn't care
about you.

I managed to slam the truck into reverse and burnout back into the
parking lot so all that resulted from the incident was a certain
gesture and an embarrassment that lasted the rest of the day.  I
realized years after the fact that he'd been riding a Harley with 3
headlights, all running, and straight pipes.  Loud pipes or no there
is no substitute for being alert and expecting every cager to do
something dumb even when it only happens one in a hundred times.


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