And now for a slightly longer answer:

> 1\. It is not the number of digits after the decimal point, it is the number 
> of digits. You made the sentence longer, which restrict it truth value to 
> output in scientific notation.

I didn't change anything there except put the capital letter in the beginning 
of the sentence.

> 2\. fac(), why is argument int, when we have Natural.

I've considered it, but I wasn't sure if that would be outside of the scope of 
**docs** improvement. I'd rather see Natural there too.

> With natural the long explanation "of a non-negative integer" would be 
> obsolete

...but I would still keep it, because that module is used quite a lot and 
beginners might not be familiar with Natural. You'll notice more of these "not 
needed" explanations in the frequently used modules, to make them more 
understandable to beginners.

> Is module ONLY available for JavaScript, not for C? People not familiar with 
> Nim may think so.

Once again, this is something I didn't touch, it was written like that from 
before. But I agree, this should be changed to something like "This module is 
_also_ available for the JavaScript target."

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